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Plugins / Addons

62 files

  1. More information about "Bookly – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System"


    Bookly – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System

    Automated online booking & scheduling for WordPress: fully customizable booking form with online payments, notifications, and Google Calendar sync.
    Bookly Pro add-on enables advanced features of Bookly online appointment scheduling plugin. With Bookly Pro, you can remove all the limitations of the free version of Bookly WordPress booking plugin.

    The default configuration of Bookly Pro includes:
    Fully-customizable booking form that can be used on any device;
    Filterable, sortable and searchable booking list that you can print or export to CSV;
    Unlimited number of Staff Members with individual working schedules, prices, and ability to manage their profiles and online booking calendar;
    Unlimited number of Services which you can group into categories and set unique colors for easier viewing in Bookly Calendar;
    Importable and exportable customer base with unlimited clients list which displays payments stats and internal notes about the client;
    Various templates for customizable Email and SMS notifications;
    2-way synchronization between Bookly Calendar and Google Calendar which automatically reflects all updates in Bookly in your Google Calendar;
    Integration with PayPal Express Checkout, the list of completed and pending payments;
    Built-in analytics with booking statistics;
    WooCommerce compatibility;
    Multi-language support – 12 languages included;
    Six months of 24/7 online customer support.
    Once you purchase and install Bookly Pro, you will have Bookly plugin and Bookly Pro add-on activated. You are free to add more advanced functionality to your default configuration with various Bookly add-ons for automating your online booking system.
    If you use the legacy version of paid Bookly, please update to the latest version. Follow the instructions on the migrator page to switch to the new Bookly Pro with ease and for free.


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  2. More information about "Bookly Advanced Google Calendar"


    Bookly Advanced Google Calendar

    Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO installed and activated. View Bookly PRO page at Codecanyon.
    With Advanced Google Calendar add-on you’ll get a full bidirectional synchronization between Bookly Calendar and Google Calendar so that you’ll always be able to see and manage all appointments in both calendars. Bookings made via Bookly will be instantly copied to your Google Calendar and new events, updates and cancellations from Google Calendar will be immediately reflected in Bookly.
    With this add-on you can:
    Automatically sync all calendar data and any updates between two calendars;
    Specify how much of appointments history you wish to sync;
    Set the event title which is displayed in Google Calendar.
    Easily set up and use the Bookly Advanced Google Calendar add-on with our detailed documentation.


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  3. More information about "Addons de Piotnet para Elementor Pro v4.2.9 NULLED - addon para Elementor"


    Addons de Piotnet para Elementor Pro v4.2.9 NULLED - addon para Elementor

    Piotnet Addons Para Elementor Pro - estes são plugins que estendem a funcionalidade do construtor de páginas Elementor e adicionam muitos novos recursos. Lista de funções: posicionamento absoluto, exibição de um bloco embutido, botão gradiente, gradiente de texto, referência de seção, largura máxima, largura de borda adaptável, imagem de fundo adaptativa, posição de fundo, largura de coluna, fundo de paralaxe para cada elemento, várias imagens de fundo, carrossel URLs personalizados e muito mais. 

    1 download

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  4. More information about "O Plus v1.4.0 NULLED - Addons para Elementor Page Designer"


    O Plus v1.4.0 NULLED - Addons para Elementor Page Designer

    O Plus é um complemento para o construtor de páginas Elementor , que inclui todos os melhores complementos Elementor criados para inovação e criatividade. Tem as mais incríveis opções de personalização que fazem deste addon o complemento perfeito para os elementos. Criamos cada widget com o máximo de atenção aos detalhes, e esse é um conjunto adaptativo completo de elementos adicionais. Ele estendeu itens, alguns dos quais são mailchimp, um bloco com ícones, formulário de contato personalizável 7 e outros. Em termos de configurações, desempenho, opções e criatividade, este é o melhor addon para o Elementor. 
    Demonstração : https://codecanyon.net/item/the-plus-addon-..plugin/22831875


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  5. More information about "WP Rocket v3.3 NULLED - Melhor Plugin de Cache de WordPress"


    WP Rocket v3.3 NULLED - Melhor Plugin de Cache de WordPress

    WP Rocket - ajude a melhorar a velocidade de carregamento da página e reduza a carga do servidor. Uma alta velocidade de download, por sua vez, reduz a taxa de rejeição, aumenta a conversão e contribui para um aumento na posição do Google. Há muito se sabe que esse fator é considerado um dos mais importantes no ranking. 
    Info: https://wp-rocket.me/


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  6. More information about "Elementor PRO v2.5.4 NULLED - Construtor de Páginas do WordPress"


    Elementor PRO v2.5.4 NULLED - Construtor de Páginas do WordPress

    Elementor PRO é um construtor de páginas do WordPress sem limitações. Para o designer que permite criar um design profissional e que está equipado com funcionalidades avançadas que ainda não foram vistas no WordPress. 
    Demonstração: https://elementor.com/pro/ O 
    Elementor PRO é um construtor de páginas “arrastar e soltar” que permite criar layouts de página responsivos usando uma interface de edição “ao vivo”, graças à qual você pode ver imediatamente as alterações feitas. Recursos avançados como rolagem paralaxe, imagens de plano de fundo para um layout amplo, botões avançados, cabeçalhos personalizados, etc. estão incluídos. 
    A maior vantagem do Elementor é sua velocidade e facilidade de uso.


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  7. More information about "Admin Column Pro v4.5.7 NULLED - column manager in the WordPress admin panel"


    Admin Column Pro v4.5.7 NULLED - column manager in the WordPress admin panel

    Admin Columns Pro is a column manager in the WordPress admin panel that allows you to easily add and edit additional columns in the admin panel for posts, pages, comments, users, taxonomies, media, and special types of posts. You can sort and filter information based on the data column. And also edit each field directly from the list.


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  8. More information about "Facebook Feed v1.9.6 – WordPress Facebook Plugin"


    Facebook Feed v1.9.6 – WordPress Facebook Plugin

    The Elfsight Team is proud to present its plugin for Facebook. Lots of our customers have been asking for it for a long time, and it’s finally here.
    Our Facebook plugin is a simple and powerful tool to add Facebook feed to WordPress website in an easy and seamless way.
    Install this amazing plugin in no time at all, and with no coding skills required. Help your website visitors become your followers to show how much they value you. Increase the time your visitors spend on your website by displaying your Facebook group’s posts. Engage your visitors in discussions by displaying each feed item in a slick and stylish popup. Have your visitors share your fantastic content, and go viral on the Internet. Use the plugin’s functional settings to make your WordPress website more interactive.


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  9. More information about "UberGrid v2.9.4.5 - responsive grid builder for WordPress"


    UberGrid v2.9.4.5 - responsive grid builder for WordPress

    UberGrid is a powerful responsive grid / gallery builder for WordPress that can build nice looking walls of square items defined manually or pulled automatically using your WordPress posts includi WooCommerce products and custom post types created by third party plugins or themes. You can use UberGrid to present your portfolio, team, products, photos, blog posts, or anything else that can be presented with square cells. Its unique customisability will adopt to almost any needs


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  10. More information about "WP A.I Assistant v2.8"


    WP A.I Assistant v2.8

    This unique Wordpress plugin adds a virtual smart assistant on your website,and allows you to easily program his A.I from a powerful visual system. 

    1 download

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  11. More information about "Elegant Authentication for WordPress"


    Elegant Authentication for WordPress

    Will replace with default WordPress Authentication ( Optional ) 4 Form UI Ready, Email Verification Ajax Requests Ultra Responsive, Tested on Extra small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large Devices Password Visibility Toggles Form Validation 


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  12. More information about "Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.1.1"


    Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.1.1

    This Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress is the most advanced google maps plugin ever created. We developed it using valuable feedback from hundreds of customers. 


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