Lara, is WHMCS & AdminLTE blended together, resulting in a beautiful WHMCS Admin Theme, that can be used on daily basis, without hurting your eyes!
Don't just take our word for it, check a full working Demo by visiting our WHMCS Admin Demo.
The theme comes with tons of options, beside the good looks :
- Compatible with the latest WHMCS, including all the latest versions, from V6.3 to v7.9
- Menu Search, The Only WHMCS Admin Theme with search in menu, for easy access to all WHMCS options.
- Intelligent Search, Search in WHMCS by (ticket number, invoice number, customer name, city .. etc).
- Menu Notifications, Detailed notifications ( number of open tickets, pending invoices .. etc.) shown directly in WHMCS menu.
- Home Page Widgets, Beautiful home page widgets, using moris.js chart engine.
- Right Side Bar, Providing easy access to “Advanced Search, Ticket Search, in-ticket menu and built in browser links.
- User Menu, Custom user menu, with quick links and notifications area.
- Full Source Code, 100% source code provided. No encoded/encrypted files.
- Updates & Support, 12 Months of Free updates and support. Including new features, bug fixes and WHMCS Updates.
- Dashboard Customization, Choose what to see on your dashboard. Hide/Show homepage widgets.
- 12 Different Skins, Enjoy 12 color-full skins for every taste, with a click of a button!
- Intelligent Search, Intelligent search as you’ve never seen before, with optional search as you type “Quick Search”.
- Custom CSS & Javascript, Easily apply your custom modifications without the need to edit the theme files directly.
- Gravatar integration, Each admin will have his/her own gravatar icon.
- Google Analytics Widget : Without leaving your WHMCS admin area, check user sessions, countries, operating systems and other Google Analytics metrics. [ Free addon for Limited Time Only ]
- Staff Chat Widget, Staff members can easily chat with each other, directly from within WHMCS admin interface. [ Free addon for Limited Time Only ]
- Support Tickets Count : Better algorithm for counting tickets, and including the numbers on every page.
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