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IPS Tutorials

A collection of tutorials, ranging from basic to complex, aimed at helping you develop, modify, or maintain your IPS installation.

  1. Started by ClxCode,

    FontAwesome Forum Icons So this is to get the forum icons like we currently have. You need at least some css & html knowledge and be able to use google/firefox's developer tools. Getting your Forum IDs For this to work at all you need to know the forum ID's you want to change. You can find these by right clicking them and checking the data-forumid attribute: You can also see the forum ID if you edit the forum in the admin cp, at the end of the url: Adding some template code Go to the theme and open up the following template: forums > front > index > forumRow At the end of every instance of a span with the c…

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  2. This guide is for anyone, who wants to customize their Member Groups. It's great if you're willing to distinguish between Staff, Members, Donators or other Member Groups. I'll add some default codes within this guide, which you can easily implement on your website. Useful Links Link to all FA icons We'll be using Font Awesome icons. Link to HTML Color Names There are many colors that may suite your needs or color tastes, that's why this is handy. You don't want to have your Members to have cyan color on a Light Skin and so forth. Step by Step ACP > Members > Groups > Edit (Pencil Icon)…

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  3. This applies to both 4.2 and 4.1 versions of IPS. Occasionally you'll want to style a specific element on a specific page of your community - maybe you want to change how topic titles are shown inside a topic, or do something specific to the styles used in activity streams, without also altering other screens where the same elements are used. Your first instinct might be to open the template editor and add some custom classnames so you can style them. This would certainly work, but the downside is your template is now customized, so any future IPS4 updates would leave the template out of date. Not ideal by any means. Instead, you can use some helpfu…

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  4. Started by Barong,

    Here's a quick way to add a snow effect to your IP.Board installation without having to use a plugin, so it works on most versions. Requirements Snowfall jQuery script: http://loktar00.github.io/JQuery-Snowfall/snowfall.jquery.min.js A tiny bit of template editing knowledge in your IPS installation. Save (CTRL+S) and then Upload the js scripts to your FTP in a location where you can easily find them. For this tutorial we'll just use /uploads/, since my time really digging into IPS4 has been so short i couldn't think of a better location. Inserting the Snow Script (IPS 4) Go to Customization > Appearance > Themes and hit the "Edit H…

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  5. Started by Barong,

    Will give you a short tutorial here on how to have a Rainbow as a Group Styling. Go to AdminCP Select Customization Choose your Theme Click on Edit HTML and CSS From Templates select globalTemplate Add the following code under the </body> <script> var speed=80 var hex=new Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var r=1 var g=1 var b=1 var seq=1 function changetext(){ for(i=0;i<document.getElementsByName("Rainbow").length;i++){ var storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementsByName("Rainbow")[i] : document.all.highlight rainbow="#"+hex[r]+hex[g]+hex[b] storetext.sty…

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