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Files posted by Barong

  1. Welcome to Invision Community 5.0.0 !
    Over the coming weeks, we'll be exploring a bunch of new features and improvements coming to our user interface including our brand new theme editor, a new mobile UI, dark mode and performance improvements thanks to a reduction in both JavaScript and CSS. To kick off this series, let’s take a closer look at the new sidebar layout and new view modes for the forum index and topic pages.
    Sidebar Layout
    Traditionally, Invision Community has shipped with a horizontal header and navigation bar at the top of the page, which is still available in version 5. We're introducing a brand new (and optional) sidebar layout, which can be enabled or disabled easily from within your theme settings. The sidebar not only provides convenient access to your applications, activity streams and search bar, but you can now add links to nodes for even easier access to popular or commonly used areas of your community. For example - a category from your forum, an album from the Gallery, or a product group from Commerce.

    Sidebar-zoom.mp4.56d1971edb57e92de0c944062189901d.mp4Forum Index: Feed view
    One of our goals for version 5 was to re-imagine new ways for your visitors to consume content, and the sidebar layout is just one of our solutions. Table view has been the typical way of displaying forums, providing visitors with a simple summary of the most recently active topic. Grid mode introduced cover photos to forums and is a great way to make your page more visually engaging, while fluid view allows visitors to filter through a list of topics to easily focus on multiple areas of the community.
    Joining these view modes in version 5 is our new Feed view. Optional cover photos and featured forum colours allow you to personalise each forum, and a list of recently active topics with snippets of the most recent reply allow you to easily see what each forum is focusing on at a glance. The topic list drops below the cover photo and converts to a scrollable list on small devices. It's our fresh take on content display, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback!

    Topic pages: Compact view
    In addition, Invision Community 5 also introduces a new, compact layout option for topics. We wanted to create a layout which placed focus on your content while still keeping all of the authors profile information easily accessible within a mini profile. Stats, rank, badges, reputation points and more can be found by tapping the icon at the top of every post. The mini profile strip has also been added to other areas of the software too, such as comments and reviews in applications like Gallery and Blogs, and will appear on the mobile layout when the traditional "table view" is used in topics.
    Switching between the new compact view and the author sidebar view takes just seconds giving you complete control over your community.

    As part of this view, you also have the choice to feature/pin the original post to the top of every page, making it a breeze for your visitors to easily understand the context of replies without navigating back to page 1. Pinned posts have a slightly larger font-size to distinguish them from replies, and we've thoughtfully truncated them on pages beyond the first to keep scrolling to a minimum.

    The new sidebar layout and view modes offer a fresh and innovative approach to navigating and interacting with your community. We’re really keen to hear your thoughts on these new views and whether you’ll be unleashing them on your own sites! We appreciate that no two sites are the same, and those who are a fan of the classic header look will benefit from quick styling tools and a visual way to re-arrange the header elements which we’ll cover in a later blog.
    We’re looking forward to showcasing a whole bunch of new features over the coming weeks - so stay tuned, and we’ll see you then!
    • Free
  2. This application will display the country flag of the post author according to the post IP address.
    Forums app.
    IPS Geolocation is an active license perk so you need to have an active license to countries get picked by IP Address.
    Display country name
    Display geolocation for specific groups
    • Free
  3. Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
    Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/chatbox/room/1-public/
     ‼️ Using the Chatbox on Cloud may result in limited connections and potential blocking of Ajax requests.
    Private one-2-one chat:
    Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other.
    Multi chat at same time.
    Permission for who can use the private chat.
    Ability to select skin for each box.
    Load more messages on scroll up (or down).
    Easy to find member name to start the chat.
    Sound notification for new message.
    Report messages.
    User online status.
    Minimize and close chat boxes.
    Ban settings.
    Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Youtube, URL, images, audio files, GIPHY
    Supports Lazyload images.
    Interval in milliseconds.
    Flood control.
    Message length limit.
    Permission to edit/delete messages.
    Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop.
    Group Chat
    This feature is an extension of Member Chat to allow users to create a group and invite people to chat.
    Option to set maximum users in a group.
    Users can leave group whenever they want.
    Displaying users list in a group.
    System notification when user joins/leaves group.
    Group owner can rename the group.
    Permission for who can invite people to join group. 
    Rooms & Clubs Chat
    Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page.
    Club owner can create a room.
    Announcement & Rules for each room.
    Online Users list.
    Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar.
    Show online users in the panel or popup.
    Auto idle after X minutes.
    Auto schedule: You can now set specific times for your room to automatically open and close. 
    Global Chat:
    Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere.
    Toggle show/hide the popup.
    Option to hide popup chat on mobile.
    User controls:
    On/Off sound notification.
    Open chat in a popup.
    Select skins.
    Moderator controls:
    Edit Announcement.
    User blocking system:
    Display moderator who blocked the user.
    Ability to add the reason.
    Auto unblock user after X minutes.
    Clean room (delete all messages).
    Quick edit/delete a message.
    System messages to notify when:
    New content posted from 3rd-party apps, supports:
    Forums (new topic, new reply)
    Downloads (new file, new comment, new review)
    Pages (new article, new comment, new review)
    Gallery (new image, new comment)
    Blogs (new entry, new comment)
    Calendar (new event, new comment)
    Status updates, status replies
    New registration.
    Videobox (new video, new comment, new review)
    Musicbox (new song, new comment)
    Tutorials (new article, new comment)
    New announcement.
    New donation.
    User joined/left room.
    Auto Messages (Chat Bot)
    Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds.
    Select a member as a Bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds.
    The auto messages run on client-side, will not be saved to database for the best performance and saving database.
    Archive messages:
    Permission for who can view archive messages.
    Search messages by member name, guest name, content, time.
    Sorting messages by time, content, chatter name.
    Edit/Delete/Report message.
    Other features:
    Input message:
    Clean text: only supports URL, image URL, Youtube URL, GIF from GIPHY, upload image
    Editor: You can use full formatting from Editor: color, bold, size, emoticons...
    Many stylish designs available:
    Donation & SuperChat (requires IPS Commerce) 
    Allow users to donate directly in the room. 
    After making a payment, the message will be highlighted in a different color.
    Ability to select permission for who can donate.
    Select a donation goal from Commerce.
    Easy to setup the color for SuperChat based on the donation amount.
    Sending system notification when someone donates to the room.
    Tools for admin:
    Delete all system messages
    Delete all room's messages
    Delete all conversation
    Import messages from the Chatbox FREE
    Extra features:
    Report center integration allows users to report bad massages.
    Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up).
    Highlight the message row if someone mentions you.
    Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages...
    Display number of online users in Chat menu.
    Display counter of characters when typing message.
    Support IPS Link Filter for disallowed/allowed links.
    Ignored Users.
    Lazy load images.
    Fully responsive.
    • Free
  4. What Can You Do With This Plugin?
    Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPressis a breaking edgewebsite crawling and scraping, post generator autoblogging pluginthat uses website crawling and scraping to turn your website into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
    Get content from almost any webpage! You no longer need API’s which requires registration and provides limited access, also you can retrieve data from non API providing websites. Schedule it for once and let it autopilot your posts 7/24 for you like a master!

    How does it work?
    This plugin will crawl the seed URL you give it (crawling means that it will search all links that the webpage contains) and will visit and extract content from each crawled URL. The crawling process is customizable: you can set the crawling depth, crawling rate, maximum crawled article count, crawl only links with specific class or ID and many more customizations.
    Crawlomatic v2.0 update
    In the v2.0 update, a new live scraper shortcode was added to the plugin: [crawlomatic-scraper]. This new feature makes this plugin an easy to implement web data extractor for WordPress. As a result, it can be used to display real-time data from any websites directly into your posts, pages or sidebar. It also temporarily caches the scraped content, so your website will not over use on resources. You can use this plugin to include real-time stock quotes, cricket or soccer scores or any other generic content from public domains!
    New features included in this update:
    Scraped output can be displayed through custom template tag, shortcode in page, post and sidebar (through a text widget).
    Configurable caching of scraped data. Cache timeout can be defined in minutes for every scraped data.
    Configurable Useragent for your scraper can be set for every scrape.
    Configurable default settings like enabling, useragent, timeout, caching, error handling.
    Multiple ways to query content – CSS Selector, XPath or Regex, Auto Detection.
    A wide range of arguments for parsing content.
    Option to pass post arguments to a URL to be scraped.
    Dynamic conversion of scraped content to specified character encoding to scrape data from a site using different charset.
    Create scraped pages on the fly using dynamic generation of URLs to scrape or post arguments based on your page’s get or post arguments.
    Callback function for advanced parsing of scraped data.
    Check the official documentation of the v2 update, browse through examples and check FAQ for crafting a perfectly optimized web scraper.
    More about the plugin
    You can scrape content from almost every web site that you open in your browser. If the content is loaded using JavaScript, the plugin can be combined with PhantomJS to scrape also JavaScript generated content.
    Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom website crawling and scraping.

    Other plugin features:
    v2.5.5 update: Automatically update scraped posts/pages/products if the source site changes + unpublish (set as draft) the post/page/product if the scraped URL is no longer available on the source site (optional features, can be enabled/disabled)
    v2.5.1 update: Scrape WooCommerce product variants from other WooCommerce/Shopify stores
    v2.5.0 update: Scrape search engine results for your custom keyword searches, from Google or from Bing. Check the tutorial video of this new feature.
    v2.4.1 update: Scrape product image galleries for WooCommerce products (for non-product post types, post attachments will be created from the scraped images)
    v2.3.5 update: Execute your own JavaScript code on the scraped HTML and scrape the results – this feature is available only when headless browsers are used for scraping (Puppeteer/Tor/PhantomJS) or HeadlessBrowserAPI
    v2.2.1 update: Crawl RSS feeds for links and scrape articles listed in them
    v2.2.0 update: Use HeadlessBrowserAPI to scrape JavaScript Generated HTML Content from any website on the internet without the need to install anything (besides this plugin) on your server – tutorial video
    v2.1.0 update: Scrape .onion websites from the Dark Web using the Tor Browser and Puppeteer! – tutorial video
    v2.0.0 update: Live Scraper shortcode added for even more crawling control and scraping power: [crawlomatic-scraper]
    v1.7.1 update: Sitemap crawling supported – video tutorial
    v1.6.5 update: Visual content selector support added – video tutorial
    v1.6.0 update: Added the ability to make screenshots of crawled pages and use them in generated post’s content – video tutorial
    v1.5.2 update: Ability to shorten outgoing (post source) links (and monetize them), using Shorte.st link shortener service – example of shortened link
    v1.4.8 update: Added JavaScript execution support for crawled pages – requires PhantomJS installed on server – How to install PhantomJs? – video tutorial
    v1.4.4 update: Added the ability to set multiple proxies for crawling pages. The plugin will select one at random at each page access
    v1.4.0 update: Added the ability to paginate crawling (crawling for articles will continue on the next page of the seed page).
    v1.4.0 update: Added the ability to import product prices for crawled products (WooCommerce compatible) + dropshipping price automatic modification – video tutorial
    v1.4.0 update: Added the ability to increase imported product price by a fixed number or to multiply it with a predefined number (great value for dropshipping!)
    v1.2.8 update: Added paginated post importing support (into a single crawled post) Check: VIDEO.
    v1.2.4 update: Added the ability to set proxies for crawling pages
    v1.2.3 update: Added an option to crawl the page from Google cache when direct crawling fails (blocked)
    Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – built-in, The Best Spinner, SpinRewriter, WordAI, TurkceSpin and others – great SEO value!
    customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    shortcode to list all posts generated by this plugin: [crawlomatic-list-posts type => ‘any’, order => ‘ASC’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘posts’ => 50, ‘category’ => ’’, ‘ruleid’ => ’’]
    crawling and scraping can be set to respect the robots.txt files of websites and robots HTML headers of scraped pages
    automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    manually add post categories or tags to items
    choose if you want to update post if it is already posted
    send custom cookies with the request to the crawled webpage (authentification)
    generate post or page or any custom post type
    embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, IGN, Ustream.tv and DailyMotion using website crawling and scraping
    define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    automatically generate a featured image for the post
    enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
    detailed plugin activity logging
    scheduled rule runs
    custom field support for generated posts
    custom taxonomies support for generated posts
    unlimited crawled variable importing (unlimited imported parts of the crawled pages)
    option to copy or not images locally
    ability to parse JSON data using Regex
    option to add canonical meta tag to generated posts
    Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
    Save and restore plugin rule list from file
    • Free
  5. Top Selling WordPress Form Builder Plugin
    ARForms is top selling WordPress form builder plugin of 2024. Build finest responsive WordPress forms within just minutes, No coding, no design experience needed. Also includes built-in facility of WordPress popup forms. ARForms is not limited to creating just WordPress contact form, it is capable to create any type of forms like advanced forms, multi step forms, cost estimator forms, newsletter popup etc.
    Better Looking & More Powerful!
    The must have form builder plugin for WordPress has had a complete makeover! ARForms has an all new UI, designed to give users a real time experience, and it’s packed with powerful features so that you can prepare and process your forms at lightning speed.

    Multi-Column & Resizable
    ARForms comes with a fully featured multi-column facility, including the option to resize any column by simply dragging the border between fields. Easy, fast, flexible.

    Material, Rounded and Standard Style Forms
    ARForms is one of the very few form builder plugins that offers a true material style forms, as well as rounded and standard style forms not limited to create just wordpress contact forms. Your wordpress forms, your way!

    Fully Responsive
    Enjoy elegant, fully responsive forms straight out of the box, with clean and streamlined HTML.

    Striking Color Schemes

    Popups Built Right In
    Great news! This advanced and complete form builder now has a built-in popup forms facility, so there’s no need to buy a specialised wordpress popup plugin. Your forms can fly in, stick to the bottom of the page, or popup on page load – all with ARForms.

    Multi-Step Forms
    This sophisticated WordPress form builder plugin gives you complete flexibility to create forms that suit your needs. With ARForms, you can create multi-step or survey style forms, with tabs/steps or a progress bar so that users know where they’re up to.

    Survey Forms with Auto Save Form Data
    ARforms has wonderful facility where you can create long survey forms without loosing data. It is common fact that many users do not fill up long survey forms completely, but even partially filled information is important for site owners. So now each field value can be saved in database automatically as soon as user insert value in input field

    Repeatable Form Fields
    One of the most dynamic feature, Repeatable Form Fields is now available in ARForms. You can now set any field or group of fields repeatable finite or infinite number of times.

    Popup Forms from Navigation Menu
    For an even smoother user experience, you can now set popup forms to open when users click on an item in your top navigation menu. so, no need additional plugins to open popup forms for wordpress from top navigation menu.

    Custom Images for Radio & Checkbox
    This long-awaited feature has been added to the latest release of ARForms. Now you can add your own images or icons to act as radio buttons or checkboxes.

    Enhanced Conditional Logic
    This powerful capability allows you to set conditions on form fields to show/hide, enable/disable, or prepopulate a set value, based on the input values of other fields. ARForms has this enhanced conditional logic built right in, so you don’t need any technical knowledge to build sophisticated forms.

    Math Logic
    With the latest version of ARForms you can easily perform calculations within a form, based on user input. You can calculate totals, averages and more, without any coding knowledge.

    Form Submission Actions
    ARForms offers 4 different types of form submission action.

    Form Confirmation/Summary on Submit
    Long awaited feature is here, now, user can get confirmation step upon form submission, so, if something is wrong then they can go back and modify. Or even in some cases submission summary needed to be shown

    Email Marketing Ready
    ARForms supports 13 of the most popular email marketing systems so it’s never been easier to build your own forms and keep in touch with your subscribers. You can integrate using Webform or API for even more advanced features. Along with the support of other email marketing software ARforms allows seamless integration with popular Mailchimp for wordpress.

    Email Notifications
    Automatically send email notification to admin, and to any email address provided in form itself by user, upon submission of the form. ARForms also provides shortcodes to pull values from fields within the form, so that your automated emails are dynamic, relevant and tailored

    Multi-Language & RTL Support
    The admin section is fully compatible with WPML so can be translated into any language. Your bundle includes 12 different pre-converted translations.

    Powerful Analytics
    A beautiful and effortless way to monitor all of your forms’ activity through vibrant, user-friendly graphs and charts, including a world map to show where all of your submissions have come from.

    Full List of Features:
    Real Time Editor
    Create beautiful forms in just a few clicks, and check your changes on the front-end with an instant preview.
    Any & Every Type of Forms
    Create wide range of fully responsive forms for all your needs: WordPress contact form, an opt-in popup form, a workshop registration form, surveys, a job application form, and many more plain and complex types of forms.
    50+ Form Templates
    Includes 50+ ready-made form templates that can be fully customized.
    30+ Elements
    Choose from a wide selection of elements to build forms of all kinds.
    Drag & Drop
    Simply drag and drop your elements into your forms and arrange them in real time.
    Built-in Color Schemes
    Choose your style from 15 pre-made color schemes.
    Google Fonts
    Includes the huge library of Google Fonts so you can get the look you want, in any browser.
    Font Awesome Icons
    Enhance your forms with professional vector icons, fonts and logos.
    Material Style Forms
    Create forms in true material style, as well as rounded or standard styles.
    Resizable Columns
    Supports multiple columns, and you can re-size by dragging the column borders.
    Multi-Step & Survey Style Forms
    Create forms for all purposes, including multi-step and survey styles, with progress bar.
    Custom Images
    Now you can upload custom images to act as radio buttons or checkboxes within your forms.
    Embed Objects
    Embed third party objects, including videos, maps, and more.
    Masking Options
    Format phone number fields to ensure that users enter valid data.
    Tooltip Facility
    Give users a helping hand with tooltips on hover or click.
    Quick Duplication
    Use previous forms as templates.
    Custom CSS
    Option to add custom CSS, for even greater customization.
    Advanced Conditional Logic
    Your sophisticated forms adapt to your users’ input, capturing the relevant data and saving time at both ends.
    Built with AJAX
    ARForms uses seamless AJAX-based form submission.
    AJAX Upload
    Quick and easy AJAX-based multiple file upload.
    Form Submission Actions
    4 different actions upon submission, including Conditional Submission and Hide Form After Submission.
    Edit Entries
    ARForms allows you to edit form entries even after submission.
    No Duplicate Entry
    Automatically prevent duplicate entries.
    Math Logic
    Easily perform calculations on data, including totals and averages, with no coding knowledge.
    Powerful Analytics
    Monitor your forms and analyze data using stunning graphs and charts.
    Import or export the data you need, or even entire forms, including all form settings.
    Partial Form Data Retrieval
    Automatically saves users’ progress, and populates prefilled data when users return to a form.
    Lightning Fast Loading
    Lightweight and streamlined, ARForms is fully optimized for speed.
    Fully Responsive
    Your forms look beautiful and perform perfectly on any screen.
    Multiple Browser Compatibility
    Supports all popular browsers, including IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and more.
    Built-in Popup Options
    No need for an extra popup plugin! Forms can fly in, stick to the page, or popup on page load.
    Direct Navigation Menu Support
    Popup forms directly from top menu items, without refreshing or loading a new page.
    Powerful Anti-Spam
    Supports reCAPTCHA and custom Captcha.
    Confirm Password & Strength Indicator
    Verify passwords and display password strength.
    Email Notifications
    Automatically send dynamic emails to admin and relevant email addresses, upon submission, using shortcodes to pull values.
    Email Marketing Ready
    Supports popular email marketing systems, such as MailChimp and iContact, and you can integrate using Webform or API. no need to buy separate wordpress mailchimp plugin
    SMTP Support
    Option to send email through an SMTP server.
    Multi-Language & RTL Support
    Fully compatible with WPML and includes 12 pre-converted translations.
    Supports a huge range of free and paid add-ons, including ActiveCampaign, PayPal and Authorize.Net.
    • Free
  6. “WooDelivery | Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce” is a WooCommerce plugin that gives you the facility of selecting both PickUp and Delivery or Only Delivery or Only Pickup with date and time at order checkout page. It does not matter what you want to deliver, may it be food, grocery, clothing items, installation required products or special delivery cases, our plugin will help you. It also has options for checking delivery availability based on the customer’s address or zip code.
    This plugin will allow you to add unlimited delivery fees and free shipping based on kilometers or zip codes. Also, have a tip option. The Store admin can control the delivery/pickup Dates, Time Slots, Business Hours, Day Break time, Holidays, Radius Shipping, Zipcode Base Shipping, Delivery Fees, Free Shipping, Pickup, tip, delivery distance and fees, etc. The customers can give special instructions about his/her order via the plugin.
    It is fairly easy to set up the plugin that you don’t have to take any hassle. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about styling because the plugin compatible with your theme styling. Anyone can easily update/edit this plugin by following our Well Sorted Online Documentation.

    You May Also Like ”#1 Online Food Ordering, Order Management and Delivery System on CodeCanyon”

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    Main Features of WooDelivery:
    Ajax mini cart and cart modal
    Minimum order amount set option
    Set order amount for free shipping
    Deliver/Pickup Time Format 24h or AM/PM
    Delivery Schedule Type Options
    Delivery time slot settings options
    Order limit on time slot
    Break Time system during a day
    Radius Shipping
    ZipCode Base Shipping
    Custom Delivery Fees
    Free Shipping
    Tip System
    Delivery Location Availability Checker by address using Google API
    Delivery Location Availability Checker by ZIP Code
    Multiple zip code adding options for zip code based delivery & pickup
    Multiple delivery fees adding option
    Kilometer based delivery fees adding option
    Zip code wise delivery fees adding option
    Delivery Info On Admin Email
    Easy Settings options
    Translation ready
    Fully Responsive
    Error-free code
    Free Updates
    Well Shorted Online Documentation
    • Free
  7. WPBakery WordPress Page Builder Plugin with Frontend and Backend Editor
    Introducing WPBakery Page Builder – your best solution for crafting exceptional WordPress websites with ease. Designed for both professionals and individuals, WPBakery offers a seamless no-code and low-code experience. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of customizable elements, you can effortlessly turn your creative ideas into reality. Experience the power of a backend and frontend editor in one tool, and redefine your website design journey today!
    Yes, WPBakery Page Builder comes bundled with 2 types of editors allowing you to choose your preferred view. Create your WordPress website with a backend schematic editor or move your page-building process to frontend and see your results live.
    Not only that, WPBakery Page Builder gives you full control over responsiveness. Create responsive websites automatically or adjust preferences you need to ensure your WordPress website looks perfect on mobile or tablet. WPBakery Page Builder has everything it takes to create a responsive website. Save your money on purchasing different devices with WPBakery Page Builder Responsive Preview available out of the box.
    WPBakery also comes with a built-in AI assistant that will generate text, improve text that’s already on the page, translate it to nearly any language, and generate custom code when you need just that little extra to make your site unique.
    To make sure that your websites attract as much traffic as possible, WPBakery SEO is available to all WPBakery users. This feature allows you to enhance visibility and get better search results without leaving the editor.
    It is really easy to start building your WordPress website with WPBakery Page Builder:
    Add rows and columns to your page
    Choose from over 50+ predefined content elements or start from professionally designed template
    Drag elements around your page
    Simply adjust element settings via intuitive controls and options
    Publish your page
    And that’s not all! With the page builder, you don’t have to be a developer to create a page. With WPBakery Page Builder, you don’t have to be a designer either.
    Extensions: 200+ unique addons with hundreds of content elements available exclusively to WPBakery Page Builder
    Template Library: Downloadable layout templates with pro templates updated regularly. Build your layouts literally in seconds
    WPBakery AI: Ask your AI assistant to generate a copy for the page or custom code that will be automatically applied
    WPBakery SEO: Boost your website’s visibility with a built-in SEO toolkit
    If you’re a web developer, there are many reasons to love WPBakery. l. We offer a comprehensive knowledge base describing our developer API so you can extend WPBakery Page Builder. For those who don’t wish to code, WPBakery Page Builder offers Shortcode Mapper, allowing you to add 3rd party shortcodes to your WPBakery Page Builder content elements. With WPBakery Page Builder you can work on new or existing websites as it will recognize your existing content and adapt to any WordPress website. Forget about page builders tailored for a specific theme to get you locked up – WPBakery Page Builder works with any WordPress theme.
    WPBakery Page Builder is one of the best-selling drag-and-drop frontend and backend page builder plugins on the market – already powering 5,800,000+ websites. Redefine your website design journey today with WPBakery!
    WPBakery Page Builder Features
    Shortcode Mapper
    No more shortcode copy/paste. Add any third-party shortcode to the list of content elements for re-use. Edit params, values, and descriptions.
    An Intuitive Drag and Drop Interface
    Lightweight, easy-to-use interface that you and your clients will love. Creating pages and posts is easier than ever. No programming knowledge is required!
    Easily Extendable
    Third-party developers, please join the party! Create your own plugins for WPBakery Page Builder for your themes, or for sale here on CodeCanyon.
    WPBakery AI
    Generate custom code and text, improve existing copy, and translate with a few clicks and the help of your AI assistant. 
    WPBakery SEO
    A built-in SEO toolkit that analyzes your content, gives suggestions and allows optimizing your site’s SEO performance. 
    Frontend Editor
    Enjoy a “What You See Is What You Get” page-building experience with our amazing frontend editor. See how your content will look on the frontend instantly, with no additional clicks or switches.
    Backend Editor
    Prefer to work on the backend? No problem! WPBakery Page Builder still supports native content management on the backend, with all the important functions and options at your fingertips.
    Landing Page Builder
    Choose between a theme layout and a completely blank page (without the theme header and footer) for creating stunning landing pages. 
    Object Oriented Code
    WPBakery Page Builder uses the most advanced and most effective programming patterns, to get the best results for your site.
    Multilingual Ready
    .po and .mo files included, for easy translation (BG, DE, ES, IR, FR, IT, JP, NL, PL, BR, RU, TW, and Arabic contributed by users).
    Copy and paste content inside a page, between pages, and even between WPBakery-powered sites. 
    Template System and Library
    Copy or re-use existing pages, save pages or parts of pages as templates. Set default templates for your post types. Access Template Library for free downloadable layout templates crafted by web design professionals and updated regularly.
    Responsive Design
    Your content will look great on both desktop and mobile sites. Take full control over responsive design – define column size, offsets, and display options. Instantly check out how your content is displayed.
    User Role Manager
    Control user group role access to the features and options of WPBakery Page Builder, including drag & drop, templates, and elements – manage WordPress default and custom roles. 
    Custom Post Types Support
    Works with any post type… Yes, even custom post types!
    Lifetime Update – Free of Charge
    We offer automatic updates free of charge. Stay up to date with WPBakery Page Builder and receive our latest releases and enhancements.
    Professional Dedicated Support
    Our high-quality, dedicated support team is always on hand to help you out. 
    Design Options
    Control how elements look with new Design Options. Set borders, margins, paddings, border radius, and background with a few simple clicks. Use color panel and alpha to enhance your design. Create up-to-date design solutions with ease.
    Multi-language Support
    WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with qTranslate X, Polylang, and powerful WPML. Build multi-language websites with WPBakery Page Builder.
    SEO Friendly
    WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the most popular SEO plugins by Yoast. Make sure your page is getting the attention it deserves! 
    Woo Commerce Support
    Running a WooCommerce-powered e-shop? No problem. WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Even better – all of the WooCommerce shortcodes are now available in the WPBakery Page Builder Element Menu, once you have both plugins installed.
    Advanced Grid Builder
    WPBakery Page Builder has 40+ predefined grid templates for displaying posts, pages, custom post types, and media, in a grid or masonry grid. Don’t like predefined templates? Create your own grid element using Grid Builder.
    Full Width and Height Rows
    Create full width and height rows with smart stretching options. Control stretching params – stretch just the background or background with content. Control element placement – in the middle or on top. Build sections in seconds.
    Parallax Background for Rows and Columns
    Add a parallax-style background to WPBakery Page Builder rows and columns. Combine Design Options, video, and parallax background to create even more advanced layouts.
    Video Background
    Insert YouTube videos into row backgrounds to create dynamic and visually appealing effects. Combine YouTube video background with WPBakery Page Builder parallax effect.
    Image Filters
    Transform your images by applying unique professional image filters to any image from your Media Library. Align your image style in every WPBakery Page Builder image-powered element – and even featured images – by choosing filters from 20+ available presets. 
    My Elements (Element Presets)
    A simple WPBakery Page Builder template tool for content elements. Save the content element as My Element presets with your param settings and access new elements from the Add Element window.
    Column Height, Gaps and Position
    Control the height of your columns by applying the equal height option. Set gaps between columns or merge them together with one click. Control the position of columns and content within columns with vertical alignment.
    Advanced Custom Fields Support
    WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin allowing you to combine the power of both plugins to manage and display custom fields on your WordPress website. 
    Icon Sets and Social Icons
    Add icons from the most popular icon libraries like ‘Font Awesome’ with one click only. Add social icons to your WordPress website with icon libraries and specify links.
    Hide Content
    Hide parts of content from your website visitors with one click Disable Row option. Manage your campaign of hide work in progress easily.
    Easily Extendable
    Third-party developers, please join the party! Create your own plugins for WPBakery Page Builder for your themes or for sale here on CodeCanyon. 
    Go back and forth with any action performed at WPBakery Page Builder. Save time and never lose your changes.
    RTL Support
    A page builder plugin that supports your RTL (right-to-left) page or section. With WPBakery Page Builder, you can create RTL pages without worries. Everything will be handled automatically.
    Custom Types Ready
    Create sites with WPBakery Page Builder and Toolset plugin based on custom post types with ease. No PHP skills are required! 
    Gutenberg Compatible
    WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor. Mix your layouts from WPBakery with Gutenberg blocks hassle-free.

    50+ Built In Content Blocks

    Text Block          Row          Separator          Text Separator Message BoxFacebook LikeGoogle+Pinterest TweetmemeFAQSingle ImageImage Gallery TabsTour SectionAccordionIcon Element Posts SliderWidgetised SidebarButtonCall to Action Video PlayerGoogle MapsRaw JSRaw HTML Flickr WidgetProgress BarPie ChartEmpty Space Custom HeadingPost GridPost Masonry GridMedia Grid Media Masonry GridPageable ContentHover BoxZigZag Separator
    WPBakery Page Builder is smart: To save your time and bandwidth, it includes only the javascript files that are used on the page – no extra traffic and faster loading!
    • Free
  8. Extend WPBakery Page Builder and add more power to it!
    This plugin adds several premium elements in your WPBakery Page Builder on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.
    This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder
    Addon Elements –
    Icons – You can use this element to integrate a simple icon (font & image, both kinds) in your page and use it as you want. Or you can utilize WPBakery Page Builder grids and display a list of logos of your clients, partners, sponsors, etc.
    Info Box – Perhaps, the most popular trend right now, Info Boxes truly make your website stand out helping you highlight the important things you have on offer.
    Info List – Traditional HTML lists are boring, aren’t they? This elements simply re-imagines the lists. You may take an opportunity and utilize it’s cool design to show some process or simply highlight your most popular / related products, services & features.
    Flip Box - This element combines the power of “Info Box” & “Call to Action” block altogether. On the front, it would look like a normal Info Box but as visitor hovers on the block, it flips with a cool CSS3 effect and shows a Call to Action section, provoking him to take a call.
    Counter - Want to show your milestones, achievements and any other numeric statistics with animated numbers? This element will help!
    Interactive Banner - Many times, image banners come in handy as they are very convenient and obvious way to deliver your message precisely. This element will display those image blocks in a nicer & interactive way.
    Modal Popup Box – This is one of the very useful element that can go on any website. Create modal popup boxes and embed anything you wish inside the popup box through easy WYSIWYG editor.
    Timeline – Display a timeline in a Facebook style or simply showcase your features, process or highlights little creatively. We have taken special efforts with custom JavaScript & CSS codes to make it as perfect as possible.
    Extended Google Maps – WPBakery Page Builder comes with Google Maps element by default. But our Extended Googles Maps element uses latest APIs and allows you to do more with it. Upload marker images, write custom HTML in map info box and control everything that goes with map.
    Row Backgrounds -
    Creative backgrounds do truly set the tone for your website. So we offer you easy tools that will help you utilize them quickly.
    Features –
    Fixed Image Background
    - Keeps the image fixed at it’s position while the other content moves on scroll.
    Vertical & Horizontal Parallax
    - The background moves at different speed & direction from your content on scroll.
    Hover Parallax
    - The background moves creatively with cursor movement.
    Video Background -
    - Plays a video in the background. Supports hosted as well as YouTube videos.
    Multilayer Hover Parallax -
    - Design a real 3D parallax. Go ahead – impress your users

    While we believe the above six elements will benefit your site immediately, these are not really all!
    We’re already working on few more elements that we look forward including in this plugin as we complete them. We want to make this plugin as an “ultimate” source for you to get most of the essential WPBakery Page Builder addon elements in one package.
    The long wait has finally come to an end…Introducing, WordPress Icon Fonts Manager!
    This project was originally started with a slightly different objective of developing a functionality that will help people use the Icon Fonts in their WordPress site easily. But then, we realized – providing just the Icon Fonts functionality wasn’t enough to make it go. There was a need to make Icon Fonts even more intuitive for normal WordPress users and that’s when we decided to develop several WPBakery Page Builder element that will make usage of Icon Fonts even easier. So – “Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder” is technically an extension of two things; firstly of our Icon Font Manager and secondly, the obvious one – WPBakery Page Builder
    Features of the Icon Fonts Manager -
    Customize Your Own Icon Fonts –We understand you don’t use all those hundreds of prebuilt unnecessary icons that come with any of those popular libraries like Font Awesome, Entypo, etc; but you care more about only the few ones that relate to your business more.
    That’s why, we’ve made our Icon Fonts Manager very compatible with the famous IcoMoon’s APIs where you can create your own customize font by shortlisting your favorite icons from the choice of 2500+ icons! If those 2500+ icons still fall short, IcoMoon will still cover you with their amazing feature that helps you convert your SVG designs in the Icon Fonts.
    Real Time Icon Search - Okay, many of us would like big numbers & more choices of icons, wouldn’t we? Though this choice is really very fancy, it certainly comes with a pain as we can’t easily find the icon that we are looking for when we need it. And that’s why we have integrated a real time search feature which can help you sort through all the Icon Fonts you have in your library very smartly.
    More features on the way! As said earlier – Icon Fonts Manager is our individual, long term project; and we look forward adding more features in it with time such as integration with WordPress’s Menu, TinyMCE editor, etc. When these features will be developed – they will be provided in this plugin as well.
    • Free
  9. WhatsApp for LatePoint is an add-on for LatePoint which allows you to send notifications and reminders to your customers and agents via WhatsApp Business Platform.
    With that said, WhatsApp for LatePoint is NOT a standalone plugin and requires LatePoint to be operable. Also, per Meta’s policy, your chosen mobile number must be dedicated to WhatsApp Business Platform and CANNOT be used simultaneously with WhatsApp Messenger nor WhatsApp Business Messenger mobile applications.
    Send Welcome (account created) notifications to Customers
    Send Appointment Confirmation notifications to Agents/Customers
    Send Appointment Status Update notifications to Agents/Customers
    Send Payment/Transaction notifications to Agents/Customers
    Send Reminders to Agents/Customers
    View the history of attempted WhatsApp messages in the Activity Log
    Read the comprehensive documentation included in your downloaded archive after purchase.
    Quick Start Guide
    From the LatePoint Dashboard, navigate to WhatsApp > Settings.
    In the WhatsApp Processors section, enable and configure your desired gateway(s). Instructions are provided on how to acquire necessary API/Account credentials.
    Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page.
    Navigate to WhatsApp > Templates where you may then create templates, which are used when configuring Notifications and Reminders.
    • Free
  10. Store Locator WordPress | Store Finder WordPress | Location Finder WordPress
    Agile Store Locator is a premium WordPress Google Maps Plugin designed to offer you immediate access to all the best stores in your local area. The plugin can be used for stores listing, deals listing, hotel listing, real estate listing, restaurant listing, job listing and so on. It enables you to find the very best stores and their location thanks to the power of Google Maps. Our Store Locator Plugin uses the Google Maps API V3 in order to offer you immediate, accurate information about each store that suits a customer inquiry.
    Store Locator (Google Maps) :: Features list
    5 Beautiful Themes for frontend.
    Multiple Layouts with Listing and Accordion Option.
    Accordion template with hierarchy of Countries, States, Cities and Stores.
    Color Palette for Google Maps Plugin UI Color Selection.
    Multiple Beautiful InfoWindow.
    Extra Template for Deals Websites to show their exciting deals on Maps.
    Extra Template for Real Estate websites to show their Properties and categorize them into Sale, Rent and Featured.
    Easily customize your info window content, which is a very unique feature.
    Easily customize your store list by just adding few keywords.
    Admin Dashboard for Store Locator with all the stats of your markers, stores, categories and search.
    Analytics Bar Chart to Show user searches which location they have searched most and which store is seen most.
    Analytics Bar Chart to Show Searches, top stores and top locations.
    Time Selection for Each Day for Every Location.
    Duplicate any Store with a Single Click.
    Add Markers with Each Category, Switch between Category Markers and Default Markers.
    2 Prompt Location dialog for GeoLocation.
    Prompt Location 2nd dialog ask user to enter his Default Location in case site is not using SSL.
    Assign Multiple Categories to single store.
    All the ASL Settings can be Overridden by ShortCode Attributes.
    Add Minimum and Maximum Zoom Level for your google maps.
    Fetch Location Coordinates (Lat/Lng) as you type in store address.
    Too many markers? Enable Marker Clustering.
    Full Width Interactive Google Maps Template.
    Logo Management Panel.
    Marker Manage Panel.
    Choose Stores Time Format 12 or 24 Hours.
    Choose Distance unit Miles/KM.
    Draggable Marker to PinPoint Location.
    Manage Markers icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete).
    Set the zoom level of marker clicked.
    Manage Categories icons with names ( UPDATE, ADD and Delete).
    Import / Export Stores Excel Sheet with all the columns.
    Delete All Stores with Single Click.
    Choose a Google map type Hybrid, Roadmap, Satellite or Terrain.
    Prompt Location show the dialog box for confirmation to share current location.
    Show Distance to each Store from Current Location.
    Set Default Zoom of your Map.
    Load on bound fetch Only markers of the screen.
    Custom Filter Option.
    Disable Scroll Wheel.
    Show additional Information about Store.
    Enable/Disable Advance Filter.
    Assign Marker to Each Category and Enable Category Markers.
    Draw Shapes/Circle around your best locations.
    Change Placeholder Text for your search field.
    Show Category Icons instead of Marker icons.
    Enable/Disable Distance Slider.
    Set Default Lat/Lng of your Map.
    Change Header Title Text.
    Change font color for default Template.
    Change Category Title Text.
    Enable/Disable Store List Panel.
    Search Stores with Search by search by Store ID, Title, Description, Street, State, City, Phone, Email, URL, Postal Code, Disabled, Marker, Logo and Created Date in the WP-Admin Manage Stores .
    Customize your google maps with Drawing Overlay (Polygon, Rectangle, Circle) of Multiple Colors.
    Choose Maps look and feel from Snazzy Maps.
    Search by Address with auto-panning option.
    Filter Store Locator by Category for multiple store locators.
    Add Google Layers to Show Traffic, Transit and Bike Layers.
    Enable Marker Animation.
    Counter of Total Stores with Live Update as you Pan over Map.
    Restrict your google Search to Country.
    Switch between Google Search and Title Search on Store Locator.
    Enable Full Width for your Plugin.
    Enable/Disable Analytics.
    Enable/Disable Sort by Bound.
    Add Text for “No Item Found”.
    Show Nearest Stores from search location.
    Default Category Selection Option
    Option to select Map Language
    Option to select Map Region for Tiles
    Logo Manger with Listing
    Customization Template within your theme
    Set Fixed Radius Value for Range Slider
    Full Page Map and Fixed
    Set Radius Limit for Slider
    Update Existing Stores using Import
    Open Direction in Google Maps App in Mobile
    Sort by Distance, Name, City, and State
    Custom Ordering Supported
    Radius Circle for Search Range
    Option to set Map top or list on top in mobile devices
    [ASL_SEARCH redirect=”URL-of-Store-Locator”]
    Support Google Advanced Markers
    100+ Advance Options for Admin.
    • Free
  11. WP Job Search brings you the most simple solution to display jobs on any type of websites. You may already know, some really big Job Portals provides the option to use their database and extend your website with job offers. This plugin can make everything automatically, some job providers also pay commission when any of your visitors click on the job links.
    Demo Users
    Demo URL : https://eyecix.com/plugins/jobsearch/user-login/
    Demo User Employer
    USERNAME: zeeva-hiring-co
    PASSWORD: demo12345
    Demo User Candidate
    USERNAME: PeterPeters
    PASSWORD: demo12345

    If you will Buy the theme you will get this plugin free of cost with in theme files
    Best Compatible Theme Additional Purchase Built WIth Wp JobSearch

    Addon For Wp Bakery PageBuilder can be purchased here

    Highly Customizable
    Extensive Admin Interface
    Demo Import
    No coding knowledge required
    Page Templates
    Responsive & Retina Ready
    Large collection of useful inner pages
    Choose your grid size
    Boxed layout option
    Powerful typography options
    Translation ready
    WooCommerce compatible
    WPML Plugin compatible
    Powerful sorting options for job listings and resumes
    Multiple ways of showcasing job listings and resumes
    Listing List shortcode
    Listing Search shortcode
    Listing Advanced Search shortcode
    Listing Simple Search shortcode
    Resume List shortcode
    Resume Advanced Search shortcode
    User login
    User Dashboard page template
    Enable users logging in via Facebook and Google accounts
    Pricing Tables shortcode
    Comparison Pricing Tables shortcode
    Smooth Page Transitions
    Fontawsome & Flaticon
    User Login Form
    • Free
  12. Cost Calculator is an intuitive WordPress form builder designed for creating quote and calculation forms. Effortlessly design price estimation forms to provide clients with a clear idea of project costs or service fees. The plugin features a visual form builder, seamless integration with Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder, and support for Stripe Payments, enabling secure transactions and subscriptions. Create calculators in minutes.
    Designed for: any website with a price structure on the product to create a quote form, project cost calculator or service cost calculator. To build a contact form or an order form with or without the estimation part. For price calculator, cost estimation forms. To create a product or service configuration form with or without a quote. For cost comparison and presentation of calculated values.
    Latest Version: 22 November 2024 – v7.2. Check the changelog

    Cost Calculator Pre-made Demos

    Elementor Integration
    If you’re using the Elementor Website Builder for WordPress, the Cost Calculator plugin now includes dedicated integration with 8 custom widgets: Cost Calculator, Form Container, Dropdown Box, Slider Box, Input Box, Switch Box, Summary Box, and Contact Box. These widgets allow you to seamlessly build and customize cost calculator forms directly within Elementor. See it in action.

    WPBakery Page Builder Integration
    The Cost Calculator plugin integrates seamlessly with WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress, allowing you to utilize its features. However, WPBakery is not required, as the plugin includes its own visual form builder.

    Cost Calculator Form Builder
    The plugin features a built-in drag-and-drop page builder, allowing you to work effortlessly with rows, columns, and components—no external plugins required. This intuitive visual editor enables you to create and customize forms even if you’re not using Elementor. All tools are presented in a user-friendly interface, making form creation simple and efficient. You can create an unlimited number of calculation forms, fully customizable to meet your specific needs.

    Multiple Column Layouts / Drag & Drop
    The plugin allows you to effortlessly create calculation forms using a column-based layout. It offers a variety of predefined, fully responsive layouts to choose from.

    Stripe Payments Integration
    You can integrate Stripe Payments directly into your forms. This means you can handle both one-time payments and subscriptions with ease and security. Choose from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurring periods. Plus, set custom intervals like ‘pay every 2 weeks’. Decide between immediate redirection to the checkout form or sending a payment link via e-mail.

    Predefined Layout Skins, Customizable Colors & Google Fonts
    The plugin offers five predefined layout skins, providing various visual styles for your forms. You can also customize colors by overriding the default settings. With access to hundreds of Google Fonts, it’s easy to choose the perfect typography to match your forms.

    Different Form Components
    The plugin offers a wide range of form components, providing flexibility and versatility in your form-building process. These components include: Dropdown Box, Slider Box, Input Box (Type Text, Number, Email, Hidden, and Submit), Date Picker, Checkbox, Radio, Switch Box, Summary Box, and Contact Details Box. Each of these components can be freely configured.

    Dropdown Box
    This component allows you to create a dropdown select menu with customizable options. You can define the dropdown values and corresponding calculation values, set a default value or placeholder text, and make it mandatory if needed.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Create a dropdown list.
    Define the number of dropdown options.
    Name the options and assign them values.
    Define the default value.
    Define whether to show placeholder text (e.g. “Choose…”).
    Define placeholder text.
    Set component as mandatory or not.
    Set top margin.

    Slider Box
    The Slider Box lets users slide and select a numeric value within a specified range. You can set the minimum and maximum values, define the step size, and even include additional input field for precise value entry. It also supports currency symbols, separators, and allows setting a default value.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Set default value.
    Define the step and the value of a single step.
    Set the minimum and maximum values.
    Define whether to show or hide minimum and maximum range.
    Add an optional unit symbol before the value (e.g. currency).
    Add an optional unit symbol after the value.
    Set thousands separator.
    Show or hide input field.
    Set top margin.
    Set extra class name.

    Input Box
    With the Input Box, you can add various types of input fields such as text, number, email, checkbox, radio etc. You have control over labels, default values, placeholder text, and the option to make it mandatory or not.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Set input type (text, number, date, email, checkbox, radio, hidden, submit).
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Set default value.
    Define placeholder text.
    Set component as mandatory or not.
    Set top margin.
    Set extra class name.
    Set ::after pseudo element class name.

    The Checkbox component allows for the inclusion of checkboxes in your form. You can use multiple checkboxes side by side, enabling users to make multi-select choices. For instance, you can create a section for selecting additional services, with checkboxes representing various service options.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Set default value if checked.
    Define whether is checked or not.
    Set checkbox style (classic or button).
    Set hidden text if checked.
    Set hidden text if not checked.
    Define placeholder text.
    Set component as mandatory or not.
    Set top margin.
    Set extra class name.
    Set ::after pseudo element class name.

    Switch Box
    This component provides a toggle switch where users can select between two options, typically representing “Yes” or “No.” You can customize the labels, set a default selection, and assign a value for calculations based on the switch state.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Set labels representing “Yes” or “No” options.
    Set default value if checked.
    Define whether is checked or not.
    Set top margin.
    Set extra class name.

    Date Picker
    The Date Picker component allows users to pick a date from the calendar interface. Useful for date selections or appointment scheduling.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Define label.
    Define whether to show or hide the label.
    Set default value.
    Define placeholder text.
    Set component as mandatory or not.
    Set top margin.
    Set extra class name.
    Set ::after pseudo element class name.

    Summary Box
    The Summary Box is used to display the calculated result based on the values entered in other form fields. You can create complex formulas using field IDs and mathematical operators. It supports customizable currency symbols, decimal and thousand separators, decimal places, and the ability to handle errors or negative results.
    You can incorporate an unlimited number of summary box components in a single form, calculating and displaying multiple values simultaneously. This empowers you to create dynamic and comprehensive forms, showcasing various cost breakdowns, totals, or custom calculations.
    Options available:
    Set component ID.
    Set component name.
    Create a formula.
    Add an optional unit symbol before the value (e.g. currency).
    Add an optional unit symbol after the value.
    Set unit symbol size (default, or upper small).
    Set thousands separator.
    Set decimal separator.
    Set the number of decimal places.
    Set options for rounding values.
    Set how to handle errors.
    Set how to handle negative values.
    Set description text.
    Set the icon (from the list).
    Set a label before the calculated value.
    Set extra class name.

    Contact Details Box
    This component is a simple form for collecting contact details from users. It can include fields like name, email, phone number, etc., to gather necessary information.
    Options available:
    Set component label.
    Set submit label.
    Enter ‘name’ label.
    Enter ‘name’ placeholder text.
    Set ‘name’ field as mandatory or not.
    Enter ‘email’ label.
    Enter ‘email’ placeholder text.
    Set ‘email’ field as mandatory or not.
    Enter ‘phone’ label.
    Enter ‘phone’ placeholder text.
    Set ‘phone’ field as mandatory or not.
    Enter ‘message’ label.
    Enter ‘message’ placeholder text.
    Set ‘message’ field as mandatory or not.
    Set description text.
    Set whether to display form fields labels only, labels and placeholders or placeholders only.
    Set whether to show terms and conditions checkbox.
    Append data from another form (just enter the form ID).
    Set extra class name.
    Turn on or off reCaptcha.

    Responsive Layout
    Cost Calculator is fully responsive which means each and every plugin element adapts perfectly for any screen size.

    Calculations Stored in the Database / Sent to an Email
    The plugin securely stores all calculations and submitted forms in the database, making them accessible from the admin level. Additionally, it automatically sends the calculated results and form submissions via email. This ensures that the person submitting the form receives the calculated results, and the admin also receives a copy for reference.

    One-Click Demo Importer
    You can effortlessly import pre-made demo content with a single click using the Import Dummy Data manager, allowing you to start working on existing forms right away.

    Key Features of Cost Calculator for WordPress
    Elementor integration (See it in action).
    WPBakery Page Builder integration.
    WordPress Gutenberg editor integration.
    Visual drag-and-drop form builder built-in.
    Support for unlimited rows and multi-column layout.
    Stripe Payments integration for secure one-time and subscription payments.
    Support for subscription payments with custom intervals (e.g., daily, weekly, every 2 weeks).
    Unlimited calculation forms and submitted calculations.
    Choose between immediate checkout redirection or sending payment links via email.
    Enhanced form customization with individual settings for payment modes and recurring periods.
    Dynamic controls allow users to select payment periods and intervals during form completion.
    Set and manage payments in any currency for international transactions.
    Predefined and customizable email templates for both clients and admins, with the option to modify recipients.
    Detailed payment tracking and editable success, cancel, and subscription pages.
    11 pre-made calculation forms included in demo content:
    Cleaning Cost Calculator.
    Renovation Cost Calculator.
    Car Service Cost Calculator.
    LPG Savings Calculator.
    Mortgage Cost Calculator.
    BMI Calculator.
    Web Hosting Cost Calculator.
    Web Design Cost Calculator.
    Calorie Calculator.
    Bookkeeping Calculator.
    Loan Calculator.
    5 predefined skin templates.
    Color picker built-in.
    Font configurator built-in.
    Different form components:
    Dropdown Box.
    Slider Box.
    Input Box (Type Text, Number, Email, Hidden, and Submit).
    Date Picker.
    Switch Box.
    Summary Box.
    Contact Details Box.
    Securely stores all calculations and submitted forms in the database.
    Access to the submitted calculations from the WordPress admin panel.
    Sends calculations to an email.
    Support for multiple calculation summary fields in one form.
    Support for currencies and units before and after value.
    Terms and conditions checkbox available.
    reCaptcha supported.
    RTL mode (Right-to-Left) supported.
    Compatible with WPML, the plugin supports multi-language websites.
    100% responsive and mobile compatible.
    High resolution and pixel perfect.
    Cross-browser compatible.
    Valid HTML5 code.
    One-click demo importer.
    Documentation included.
    Admin Features of Cost Calculator for WordPress
    Cost Calculator Module
    This module allows you to create an unlimited number of calculation forms with different settings for each form. There are many options available.
    Create and copy a simple shortcode to place the form on any page (or)
    Select an existing shortcode ID from the list to edit an existing form.
    Use built-in form builder to create new calculation forms.
    Add or delete rows.
    Create columns, available divisions:
    1 column.
    1/2 + 1/2.
    1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3.
    1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4.
    2/3 + 1/3.
    1/3 + 2/3.
    3/4 + 1/4.
    1/4 + 3/4.
    1/4 + 1/2 + 1/4.
    1/2 + 1/4 + 1/4.
    1/4 + 1/4 + 1/2.
    Add components and assign them to columns.
    Available components:
    Dropdown Box.
    Slider Box.
    Input Box (Type Text, Number, Email, Hidden, and Submit).
    Date Picker.
    Switch Box.
    Summary Box.
    Contact Details Box.
    Drag and drop columns and rows.
    Set top margin for rows.
    Set extra class names for columns and rows.
    Set advanced settings:
    Select a form template. Choose from 5 different skins.
    Use the built-in color picker to configure form colors regardless of the selected skin. You can style every element of the form.
    Use the built-in font configurator for primary and secondary form fonts. You can choose from hundreds of fonts from the Google Fonts library.
    Set form as visible or hidden.
    Set form action URL.
    Global Config Module
    Module for managing global changes.
    Select the default template. Choose from 5 predefined skins.
    Use the built-in color picker to configure form colors regardless of the selected skin. You can style every element of the form.
    Use the built-in font configurator for primary and secondary form fonts. You can choose from hundreds of fonts from the Google Fonts library.
    Define whether to send email with calculation to system admin.
    Define whether to send email with calculation to the client.
    Define whether to save the calculation to the database.
    Set the default calculation status (draft, pending, published).
    Define whether to use reCaptcha in calculation forms.
    Configure reCaptcha settings.
    Enable or disable WPBakery Page Builder noconflict mode.
    Template Module
    This module allows for additional configuration options, including email settings, email template appearance, and error messages configuration.
    Import Dummy Data Module
    A module that allows you to download predefined calculators included in the demo content. All with just one click.
    Calculations Module
    Displays a list of all submitted calculations in the system.
    • Free
  13. WordPress Auto Spinner rewrites WordPress posts automatically by converting them to fresh and original content by replacing words and phrases with their synonyms on autopilot using its built-in synonyms database or optionally using one of the most powerful spinning services.
    It can NOW rewrite content using OpenAI ChatGPT/Google Gemini/Claude! and more
    APIs including:-
    SpinRewriter API
    WordAi.com API (Rewrite/Avoid AI detection)
    OpenAI ChatGPT API
    TheBestSpinner.com API
    SpinBot.com API
    ChimpRewriter API
    ContentProfessor.com API
    smodin.io Rewriter API [NEW] -[any language] -[free plan available]
    SpinnerChief.com API
    Espinner.net API *[ Spanish only ]
    Languages Supported: NOW supports all languages using ChatGPT to rewite
    Native supported languages [do not require API, the plugin rewrites them using its own synonyms database:
    English Turkish German Italian French Spanish Portuguese Romanian Dutch + All languages using ChatGPT API!

    Key Features
    Automatically spin WordPress posts

    - WordPress Auto Spinner is a WordPress rewriter plugin that replaces post words and phrases with their synonyms.

    For example, the phrase “smart decision” its synonyms are
    “{smart decision|good move|smart move)” so if the post before spinning contains the phrase “smart decision”, it will be replaced with the phrase “good move” or “smart move” which are the original phrase synonyms.

    That turns copied WordPress content into unique content.

    Spin WordPress post title & slug

    WordPress auto spinner has the option to spin the post title and also spin the post slug.

    Autoblogs support

    If you are using an auto-posting plugin like WordPress Automatic or any other plugin to post to your blog automatically, then WordPress Auto Spinner turns your automatic content to unique on full auto-pilot, just set & forget.

    Bulk Spin Support

    The plugin can rewrite already posted posts. Select which posts to spin and the plugin will queue them for spinning.

    WooCommerce Support

    WordPress Spinner supports spinning WooCommerce products so you can rewrite WooCommerce products automatically.

    Manual user interface for modifying the rewritten post

    You can review the rewritten article before publishing it and change rewritten synonyms using a seamless interface. Just hover on the rewritten word and its synonyms will appear in a list where you can pick another synonym.

    Full control over the synonyms databases

    You can Add/Edit/Remove synonym sets using an easy-to-use Ajax interface.

    Custom Thesaurus support

    besides the built-in synonyms, You can build your thesaurus using an easy-to-use Ajax interface.

    Reserved words support

    You can save words you don’t like to be spinned.

    Excluded categories support

    You can set specific categories to be excluded from being auto-spinned.

    Exclude title words from spinning

    You can spin the post content and exclude words that exist on the post title.

    Spin manually written posts support

    The plugin has the option to spin manually written posts.

    Custom post types support

    WordPress spinner can spin custom post types like products and listings.

    Unlimited number of rewritten articles

    by default, the plugin uses its local synonyms databases so it does not require any type of external spinning services.

    Queueing and cron system

    WordPress Spinner manages your server resources smartly by queuing all eligible for spinning posts and processing them one by one using a dedicated cron job or the built-in WordPress cron job. If you have millions of posts, do not worry the plugin knows what to do.

    SpinRewriter Support

    By default, the plugin uses its internal database of synonyms to spin the posts but if you like to use the external spinrewriter.com API, you can spin all WordPress posts using SpinRewriter so it works as a WordPress SpinRewriter plugin also.

    8 New APIs supported

    Besides SpinRewriter API, more of 10 most popular APIs are now integrated:
    SpinRewriter API
    WordAi.com API
    TheBestSpinner.com API
    SpinBot.com API
    ChimpRewriter API
    ContentProfessor.com API
    smodin.io Rewriter API [NEW] -[any language] -[free plan available]
    SpinnerChief.com API
    Espinner.net API *[ Spanish only ]

    Detailed action log

    The action log page stores plugin actions like spinning an article and errors.

    MultiSite Support

    The plugin is tested to work with network WordPress installations without issues.
    • Free
  14. Do you want to start an online business with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce?
    Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce is most likely a keyword that is frequently searched on browsers. If you are new to an online business, Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce is the best option for you because it allows you to start an online business at a low cost, with low risk, attractive revenues, and a wide range of products from AliExpress.com.
    The most common questions about Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce are:
    How do I use Aliexpress Dropshipping to import products into WooCommerce?
    Can these products be customized?
    How do you manage the price and quantity of your Aliexpress products to maximize your profit?
    Do I have to manually fulfill Aliexpress’s orders?

    All of these concerns can be addressed by Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce and ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce, which is the best option that you should not overlook.
    ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce is a plugin that enables store owners to import products from aliexpress.com into their own WooCommerce store. This allows shop owners to easily process and run their own Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce with a wide range of Aliexpress products and earn more money from their online business.
    * IMPORTANT NOTE: Regarding Accuracy of Raw Information from AliExpress.
    We make no guarantees about the raw information imported from AliExpress and AliExpress API provided by our plugin and will not be held liable if it is not accurate, complete, or up to date, or if it does not otherwise satisfy your specific needs. All risks regarding raw information and the material may not be excepted and will not be our responsibility.
    There may be instances when the information provided through the plugin contains typographical mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions that come from AliExpress and AliExpress API such as product descriptions, promotions, offers, pricing, shipping fee, availability, and delivery timeframes. Apart from official laws require, we make no commitment to correct, update, alter, or clarify such material. There is no specific update or refresh date supplied through AliExpress and AliExpress API that should be interpreted as indicating that all information on AliExpress has been edited or updated.

    A. Connect Aliexpress and WooCommerce store
    You can connect these 2 platforms WooCommerce and Aliexpress by one of 2 methods using:
    Secret key
    WooCommerce REST API
    B. Import products using Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    This plugin allows you to import products from Aliexpess to your WooCommerce store:
    Import single products: The plugin allows you to import single products.
    Import category: The plugin allows you to import categories, too.
    C. Manage Aliexpress products in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    You can set up global rules for products and price, also manage Aliexpress products in the Import List and quickly observe in the Imported sections before transferring to the WooCommerce store. In addition, you can customize Aliexpress products the same as other WooCommerce products.
    + Setup global rules:
    a. Global rules for products:
    These rules will be applied in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store including:
    Products Status: Choose the status of imported products on your WooCommerce website. In particular, product status can be automatically set: Publish, Pending or Draft.
    Product SKU: If using the shortcode {ali_product_id}, ID of product on aliexpress will be SKU of product on WooCommerce.
    Auto-generate unique SKU if exist: When importing product in Import list, automatically generate unique SKU by adding increment if SKU exists.
    Use global attributes: By default, all attributes of imported products are custom attributes. Basically, enabling this option allows us to automatically transfer those attributes to global attributes.
    Show shipping option: Enable this option to display the shipping option in the Import list. Particularly, this feature will help to show the shipping cost of available shipping methods. Certainly, it will be easy for you to estimate product costs after calculating shipping costs.
    Add shipping cost after price rules: Shipping cost will be added to the price of the original product after applying price rules.
    Import as a simple product: If a product just has one variation or you select one variation to import, that product will be imported as a simple product. However, variation SKU and attributes will not be used.
    Catalog visibility: This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on. In particular, it can be: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden
    Product description:  Select to display product description and/or item specifics or not show this info in the imported product.  In details, selection can be: None; Item specifics; Product description; Item specifics & Product description
    Use the external link for images: You need to install an external storage plugin named: EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links plugin by VillaTheme before you can see this option. If you enable it, the original AliExpress image URL is saved on that external storage plugin, which helps to save your website storage space. This option replaces the Import description images option, which allows you to import AliExpress images to your server and eat up your website storage space.
    Download description images: Enable this option to allow importing images in the product description if they are available.
    Default select product images: Enable it, the First image will be selected as the product image, and other images (except images from the product description) are selected in the gallery when adding the product to the import list.
    Disable background process: When importing products, instead of letting their images download in the background, the main product image will be downloaded directly, gallery and variation images (if any) will be added to Failed images pages so that you can go there to download them manually.
    Default categories: Fill in the category titles, so imported products will be added to these categories.
    Default shipping class: The shipping class selected here will also be selected by default in the Import list.If you are using shipping class in WooCommerce , available shipping classes will show up in the shipping class field of this Products tab, so you can choose one as default and apply for all products in the Import List
    Default product tags: Fill in the tag titles, so imported products will be added to these tags.
    Product variations are visible on the product page: Enable to make variations of imported products visible on the product page.
    Manage stock: Enable to manage stock and import product inventory. However, if you disable this option, the product stock status will be set to “Instock” and product inventory will not be imported.
    Ignore import ship from Enable to only import product variation with the ship from China.
    Find and Replace: You can search for strings in the product title and description and replace found strings with respective values.
    b. Global rules for product price:
    These rules will apply in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store.
     Exchange rate: This option allows you to convert US Dollars to your store currency from any amount. In addition, there are 2 ways to add the exchange rate: Click on the Update rate or add the exchange rate manually.  Another key point, if this field sets the value as 1, it means that there is no change in currency ($USD as default).
    Exchange rate decimals: Number of decimals to round exchange rate when updating the exchange rate with API.
    Exchange rate of CNY / USD: In some cases, prices are only available in CNY so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, our plugin will skip syncing price.
    Exchange rate of RUB/ USD: In some cases, prices are only available in RUB so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, you will not be able to import products in RUB(if the store currency is not RUB) and our plugin will skip syncing price.
    Exchange rate API: You can choose one of the available API currency exchange rate sources such as Google Finance, Yahoo finance, Cuex, TransferWise.
    Update rate automatically: Enable this option to automatically update the exchange rate as a schedule, especially, accurately at days, hours, minutes and seconds.
    Setup product price rule for multi quantity ranges. In particular, you can set a quantity range respectively with an action type.
    Setup price format: rules for product price more attractive. Thus, take advances in pricing psychology in the sale.
    c. Customize all attribute terms:
    Display all variations of product attributes in the Product Attribute tab, so you can edit or replace current variation terms with any you want.
    d. Product video: Import product videos using original Aliexpress video URL. The shortcode of the product video is available, you can copy and paste it where you want. Go to each product editing page, you can see the product video shortcode at the top right corner of the page. Support to hide/show the video on specific product pages.
    e. Update price and quantity manually whenever Aliexpress store changes: Offer options to update product price, quantity and send the email notification.
    f. Product overriding: Set rules for overridden products.
    g. Product Migration: This feature helps to migrate Aliexpress products that are imported by other plugins like Ali2Woo, Alidropship…
    D. Manage Aliexpress products in the Import List.
    This section in allows doing customization for all individual products before importing to WooCommerce products with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce.
    Product: Customize Aliexpress product information.
    Product Title:  Name of the product. SKU: Product SKU or ID of Aliexpress product
    Product status: Aliexpress product status on WooCommerce store such as Public, Pending or Draft.
    Catalog visibility: Select type of product visibility such as Shop and search results; Shop only; Search result only.
    Categories: Choose categories the Aliexpress product belongs to.
    Tags: Tag for the Aliexpress product on the WooCommerce store.
    Description: Customize Aliexpress product descriptions.
    Attributes: Customize Aliexpress product attributes. Shortly, you can edit attribute terms for each product in this tab, just click on the Edit button and modify terms. You can delete an attribute if you no longer need it.
    Variations: Customize Aliexpress product variations.
    The number of variations of the products: You can select a or some, also all variations to import.
    Product variation images: You can select a or some, also all product variation images to import.
    SKU: SKU of variation products can be editable.
    Variations of product, you can edit variation terms in the Dropship & Fulfil > Product Attribute tab for all attributes of all imported products or in the Import List > Attributes for each individual product.
    Shipping cost: Display shipping cost of available shipping methods. In particular, enable the Show shipping option in the Product tab to display this shipping cost field.
    Cost: Display the original price of the product on Aliexpress.
    Display Sale price and Regular price of Aliexpress product on WooCommerce store. These prices calculate after applying rules in the Product price tab.
    Inventory: Display number of variations in stock.
    Split product by variations: You can split into single products respectively with a number of variations available in an attribute or assign a certain variation to split.
    Split products in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    This feature allows splitting variations of a variable product into single products. Particularly, you can split into single products respectively with a number of variations available in an attribute or assign a certain variation to split.
    Gallery: Observe and select images to import media library.
    Bulk action: This allows interaction with a range of selected products. Just select products applied bulk action, bulk action feature will appear including setting: Categories; Tags; Status: Public; Pending; Draft; Visibility: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden; Import selected; Remove selected.
    E. Manage Aliexpress products in the Imported in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    This section allows to quickly observe Aliexpress products that are imported to WooCommerce products, also do product overriding and update products.
    Quickly observe Aliexpress products that are imported in WooCommerce product including Product title, SKU, Cost, WooCommerce price, Shipping info to calculate price when updating products, WC product status;
    Overriding products: Do override an alternative product for the initial one. In detail, you can go to the Product Overriding tab to set rules for overridden products.
    Update products: This option allows you to update product price and quantity, which helps you keep tracking of product statuses on Aliexpress.
    F. Inventory and Price synchronizing in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    Custom price rules to apply to specific products/categories when syncing.
    Manage syncing inventory and price using chrome extension
    Cron to automatically sync inventory and price
    Logs to record syncing: Time, change content
    Send notification email about update changelog
    Item status modification if they would change (If a product on AliExpress is out of stock; no longer available; If a selected shipping method is no longer available; If a variation is no longer available)
    G. Shipping and Estimated delivery time on store front end with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    Select a shipping method for each item on the front end.
    Settings to configure choosing shipping methods on the cart and checkout page.
    Settings to configure choosing shipping methods on the single product page.
    Work with product items with no shipping method available.
    Mask Shipping companies.
    H. Manage Aliexpress Orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce
    You can go to Ali Orders section to quickly check and fulfill Aliexpress orders. Besides, you can go to order admin in WooCommerce to edit and fulfill orders.
    Aliexpress Orders: This section in the plugin allows you to quickly observe and fulfill Aliexpress orders.
    Order admin in WooCommerce: Manage Aliexpress order the same as other WooCommerce orders, moreover, you can do fulfill Aliexpress orders.
    Update Aliexpress order ID and tracking number: There is an option to manually sync the Aliexpress order ID and tracking number from Aliexpress to WooCommerce.
    I. Fulfill orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce
    + Fulfill options:
    These settings in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce allow you to set up global rules for fulfilling orders automatically on AliExpress.
    Aliexpress API: Get Access Token to fulfill Ali orders through API. The access token will appear when you enter a valid update key of the plugin in the Update tab.
    Carrier company: Select a default carrier company for all imported products from aliexpress.com in your WooCommerce store.
    Default phone number: If an order does not have a phone number, this number will place when fulfilling the Aliexpress order.
    AliExpress Order Note: This note will add to the AliExpress order when an order is fulfilled.
    Show action: Order status to show a fulfilled action. In particular, you can set these statuses: Pending payment, On hold, Completed, Canceled, Refunded, Failed.
    Change order status: Automatically change order status after order id & tracking number of an order are synced successfully.
    + Fulfill orders in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce:
    There are 2 ways to fulfill orders using the plugin’s extension or AliExpress API in the Ali Orders section.
    Order by AliExpress API: Follow these steps to fulfill Aliexpress orders by API
    1: Go to the update tab.
    2: Add your Auto-update key, you can click on the Get key button. Besides, you can follow this guide to get the auto-update key.
    3: Save & Check key.
    4: Go to the Fulfill tab.
    5: Click on the “Get Access Token” button. Note: Only Get a new access token if your current access token is expired or invalid.
    Then go to Ali Orders section to fulfill orders by Aliexpress API.
    Order with Extension: Follow these steps to fulfill Aliexpress by the extension of Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    1: Make sure your site has connected with the plugin’s extension. In detail, you can follow this link on how to connect plugin extension: By Secret key or by WooCommerce Rest API.
    2: Click on the Order with Extension button in the Ali Orders section. Similarly, you can go to Order admin in WooCommerce to fulfill an order in this way.
    + Fulfill orders in Order admin of WooCommerce: Similarly, You can go to WooCommerce/ Orders to fulfill orders with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
    • Free
  15. MagiCards is a WordPress plugin to display some random cards on the table.
    Select a deck of cards in the same way you would do for a WordPress gallery, choose the number of cards to draw, the cards back-face and the number of columns for the gallery.
    You can offer tarots, playing cards, memory games, or simply random responses to your visitors, in a nice way.
    Unlimited decks of cards
    Back-face info panel, caption and description
    Custom card size
    Custom number of columns
    Random upside down card option
    Gutenberg block
    WPBackery Page Builder element
    WPML ready
    *The cards used inside the demo are not included.
    • Free
  16. Custom Paint Color Swatches for WooCommerce plugin allows merchants to add products to cart with color swatches selection, displays in popup including display demo how it looks in the wall paint. The plugin has a full range of Benjamin Moore API category colors and also the Option to select the colors in three different categories such as NCS, RAL, and Standard. There is no limit to adding custom paint variations, you can add as much as you want for a specific product. The plugin works with both simple and variable products. Custom color swatches will be saved for cart, checkout, and admin order backend so admin can get information and prepare orders for customers.
    Features of Custom Paint Color Swatches for WooCommerce
    Pre loaded Full range of NCS, RAL, Standard, Benjamin Moore Colours
    Option to select category to display color swatches
    Benjamin moore color category selection and category range
    Option to select color from swatches or type color code
    Work with both simple and variable product types
    Run time apply color to wall and check
    Worked on all small and large devices
    Colour code add in cart and can be seen on backend order form
    Any new colour range can be added via custom work
    Benjamin Moore colour categories

    Attached Categories to Product
    Once categories are added, the admin can see all categories on the product page by selecting one or multiple available on the product page. Once selected all swatches appear related to those specific categories on the front end.

    Benjamin Moore Colours Plates and Categories

    Benjamin Moore Specific Colours Plates of Category

    Quick Search by Code and Title

    Easy Apply Colour on Demo Images

    Select Colour by Swatches of Type Colour

    Display Colour Swatch for Specific Products

    • Free
  17. Unlock the power of your online presence with the Meeek Elementor Bio Links WordPress plugin, your all-in-one solution for maximizing your impact and connecting with your audience effortlessly.
    With more than 8 Vertical Style Demos and 8 Horizontal Style demos, it becomes the best solution for personal bio links hosted on personal domains.
    Possibility to Upgrade to Meeek SaaS
    Start your Bio links website and then if you want to turn this into a business, simply buy an extended license of the Meeek SaaS available on CodeCanyon
    Customizable Link Pages: Create stunning and personalized link pages that showcase your brand, content, and social media profiles in a visually appealing way.
    Multiple Link Management: Easily manage multiple links in one centralized location. Update, rearrange, or remove links as needed without any hassle.
    Social Media Integration: Seamlessly connect your social media accounts to your bio links page, allowing visitors to explore and connect with you across various platforms.
    Call-to-Action Buttons: Add powerful call-to-action buttons to drive specific actions, such as subscribing to your newsletter, purchasing a product, or booking a service.
    Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure a seamless user experience across all devices. Bio Links websites are designed to be fully responsive and mobile-friendly, enabling visitors to access your content on smartphones and tablets.
    Compatible with any theme (any theme that supports header/footer removal and body color/background change). We do recommend our Meeek optimized theme (the official Bio Links theme).
    • Free
  18. The Best WordPress Advertising Manager in 2024
    Ads Pro (v 4.88) is a Premium WordPress Ad Plugin that helps you manage, sell and display your advertising space, in a way that no other plugin can. This awesome tool supports a templates and grid system to show really matched and user-friendly ads on your site. And it’s 100% free from Ad blocker. Display your banners, including Google AdSense banners in more than 20 ways!
    Core Features
    100% Responsive
    Geographical targeting (countries, states / provinces, cities or zip-codes)
    Schedule your ads and control their delay
    Option to show Ads in Specific Devices (mobile, tablet or desktop)
    Filters on Categories and Tags
    Hooks to show Ads before / inner / after Content
    Options to show / close Ads after X seconds
    Capping option to show Ads only X times per User / Session
    Display your ads in more than 20 different ways (sidebar, floating, video, background, corner peel, grids, hover and others)
    Huge Backend manager (easily manage your ads)
    25+ ready to use Responsive and User-friendly Ad Templates

    Not sure if Ads Pro is for you? Answer the following questions.
    - Do you want to start selling ads on your site?
    - Do you want to manage your ads faster?
    - Do you want to display nice and effective ad templates that won’t scare your visitors away?
    - Do you want to display ads in different locations and formats?
    - Do you want to display external ads, such as Google AdSense?
    - Do you want to implement ad sales automation?
    - Do you want to track ad clicks, views and protect from false clicks?
    - Do you need advanced filters (such as geolocation, disabling ads on pages, and others)?
    Install now and enjoy Ads Pro if you answered yes to even one question.

    For Your Clients
    Modern Frontend User’s Panel – NEW
    Modern Frontend Ad Order Form
    3 Billing Models (CPC, CPM, CPD)
    4 Payment Methods (PayPal, Stripe, WooCommerce Cart and Bank Transfer for manual payments)
    Online Statistics for all Ads – sold via the Order Form or added directly via the Admin Panel (see clicks, views and CTR in real time)
    20+ Ways to Display Ads
    -single ads
    -all adsin space
    -random ads
    -ads in grid(responsive 4 columns grid)
    -ads as slider(you can set delay time between slides)
    -ads in top scroll bar
    -ads in bottom scroll bar
    -ads in sidebar
    -ad in corner peel
    -ads in sidebar
    -html/javascripts ads(everything in HTML/CSS or JavaScripts code, like Google AdSense)
    -ads in pop-up(you can set delay time to show pop-up)
    -floating ads(you can set delay of page scrolled)
    -floating ads– top left
    -floating ads– top right
    -floating ads– bottom left
    -floating ads– bottom right
    -video ad(show html5 video)
    -ad visible if link hover
    -layer ads(full screen ad – also you can set display delay)
    -background ads– with top spacing
    -background ads– without top spacing
    -ads in exit pop-up(you can propose a special offer for each users if they want to leave from your site!)
    - you can show ads viashortcode
    - you can show ads viaajax shortcode
    - you can show ads viatemplate tag
    - you can show ads inspecific posts/pages
    - you can show ads directly fromcontent element in visual composer

    So you candisplay unlimited ad spaces(up to 24 ads per ad space) in each of the display ways mentioned above.

    25+ Pre-defined Ad Templates
    ADS PRO includes more than25 ready to use ad templatessorted in 7 categories:
    - default
    - standard ad (you can create custom sizes via ad creator)
    - link/images
    - flat
    - facebook ads
    - modern
    - paper note
    - material design

    All Advertising Formats
    - text
    - images:
    - video:
    - text/images (ad templates)
    - html
    - javascript
    - css (custom css)

    Campaigns Settlement
    Sell or calculate your ads in3 billing models:
    - CPC –Cost per Click
    - CPM –Cost per(Mille)Views
    - CPD –Cost per Days

    You can set up a discount for the campaigns so you can offer a better price for the bigger ad packages.
    Payments Methods
    Your users can purchase ads via theFrontend Ad Order Form. It’s the fastest and modern way to sell ads without logging in.
    Users can pay viaPayPal,Stripe,WooCommerce CartorBank transferfor manual payments. You can setup both payment methods in few seconds in the admin panel. Don?t worry if you need to change thecurrencyandcurrency symbolused in your country. You can change it in the same place in the admin panel.
    Online Statistics
    Each of yourclients gets access to statistics. After purchasing an ad space the buyer gets an email with a link to statistics that are available online.
    Statistics are responsive to they can control it every time. Statistics include (clicks/views counter, CTRand click details:date, IP, browser, status)
    • Free
  19. WooCommerce Checkout Upsell Funnel – Order Bump is a WooCommerce extension that helps you to offer product suggestions and WooCommerce order bump with attractive discounts to the customers on their checkout page. On checkout page,  the WooCommerce Checkout Upsell Funnel – Order Bump will suggest customers purchase extra products along with a good deal without interrupting their checkout progress.

    Upsell Funnel
    When the customers hit the “Place Order” button, WooCommerce Checkout Upsell Funnel will offer them a checkout funnel to buy extra products with a discount. Moreover, those offers will not interrupt their checkout progress. If the customer accepts the offer, the extra product will be added to their going-to-purchase order.
    Suggest products: the plugin will suggest customers purchase more products when they hit the “Place Order” button.  You can create the suggestion on the Checkout page from many types of products on your WooCommerce.
    Display location:  you can choose to display the suggested products on the checkout page, on a pop-up, or redirect the customers to an “order suggestion” page.
    Pop-up: the order suggestion pop-up will appear on the checkout page when a customer clicks on the place order button.
    On the checkout page: a product suggestion list will appear on the checkout page when a customer clicks on the place order button.
    Order suggestion page: with this option, the customers will be redirected to this page when they click place order.
    Display time: Set up the days in the week to display the suggested products.
    Discount rules: apply the discount type and discount amount for product suggestions to encourage the customers to buy more products.
    Design Checkout Funnel: Many options to design the layout, content, title, product list and icons of the Checkout funnel. Besides that, you can use the available shortcode to make the title, content, messages on Checkout Funnel become more flexible.
    Countdown timer on Checkout page: Create and design Countdown timer on Checkout Funnel. The display of the countdown timer on the checkout page will encourage the customers to buy the suggested products more quickly.
    Custom CSS: You can add your own CSS code to design the upsell funnel on the front-end as you want.
    Conditions for displaying the Upsell Funnel
    You can set up the conditions to display the Upsell Funnel
    Product conditions: set the conditions such as product price, include products, exclude products, include categories, exclude categories, product visibility.
    Cart conditions: Cart total, Cart items, applied coupon, billing address, shipping address. The customers need to have their carts met the conditions to be offered the product suggestion on the checkout page.
    Customer conditions: Limit per day, only logged in, include/exclude user role, include/exclude user. Only customers meeting the conditions are offered the product suggestion on the checkout page.
    WooCommerce Order Bump
    WooCommerce Order bumps help to give the products on the checkout page, that the shoppers can add to their cart. They’re usually related products that complement what the customer is buying. With the smart WooCommerce order bumps, you can easily add an extra offer to the final step of the funnel to boost your sale.
    Unlimited WooCommerce Order Bumps: You can create as many WooCommerce order bumps as you want and assign them to work on your WooCommerce Store.
    Suggest products on the Order Bump:  Create the suggestion on the WooCommerce Order Bump from many types of products on your WooCommerce.
    Discount rules for the products on the Order Bumps: Apply the discount type and discount amount for the products that appeared on the WooCommerce Order bump.
     Cart conditions for displaying the Order Bump: Create the cart condition applied to display the WooCommerce Order Bump such as cart total, Cart items, applied coupon, billing address, shipping address.
     Customer conditions for displaying the Order Bump: Limit per day, only logged in, include/exclude user role, include/exclude user. O
    Design the WooCommerce Order Bump: Many options to design the background, title, messages, content, product images on the WooCommerce Order Bumps. In addition, you can use the available shortcode to make the content, messages on the WooCommerce order bump become more flexible.
    The plugin provides the reports for all items sold from Upsell Funnel and WooCommerce Order Bumps.
    Total sales: Report about the rate of Sales from WooCommerce Order Bump and Upsell Funnel over the total Sale.
    Best-selling products: Report about the products which are best-selling through Upsell Funnel or  WooCommerce Order Bumps.
    Statistics Filter:  the statistics based on the filters such as the order status, dates, month.
    • Free
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    This addon is made for Elementor, Which have included all best elementor addons which are crafted for innovation and creativity. It has most amazing customization options available which make this addon an ultimate elementor addon. We have created each and every widget with the utmost attention to detail and this is a complete responsive set of elementor addon. It has extended elements some of them are a mailchimp, icon box, Customised Contact form 7 and others. We have tried to make this addon a biggest elementor addon ever in each terms, customization, performance, options and creativity. Please Take a look at below to know more about our biggest elementor addon by posimyththemes team.

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    • Free
  22. If you want to make customer reviews for WooCommerce more reliable in your store, WooCommerce Photo Reviews is what you are looking for. WooCommerce Photo Reviews is an ultimate review plugin for WooCommerce which helps you to send review reminder emails, allows customers to post reviews including product pictures, and send thank you emails with WooCommerce coupons to customers. Not only let customers post a review with pictures, and send a review reminder email, but you can also import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon, as well as export reviews
    Important note:
    The plugin supports displaying reviews being displayed by shortcodes on specific pages by using WP’s Conditional Tags.
    To handle WP’s Conditional Tags, this plugin uses eval() which is very dangerous because it allows execution of arbitrary PHP code. Therefore, please only fill this field with proper conditional tags which are validated and/or provided by trusted developers.

    The plugin allows customers to post reviews including photos. This feature will help you to create social proof of your product and increase the conversion rate.
    Photo review: Post customer reviews for WooCommerce with photos and videos and shows it on the front end.
    Anchor link: Support the anchor link which redirects to the review form to leave a review when the customers click on the Review now button on the review reminder email or review filters.
    Maximum picture size: You can set a maximum picture size that customers can attach to their reviews.
    Maximum picture quantity: You can set a maximum number of photos that can be attached to a review.
    Sort reviews: You can select to sort reviews by the Newest or Oldest.
    Review Filter: This option filters customer reviews for WooCommerce by rating, containing pictures.
    GDPR compliance: The plugin will display a message and a checkbox at the review form that allows customers to agree to share the review on your page.
    Ajax pagination: This allows customers to move to the next reviews without reloading the page.
    Verified badge: Displays a verified badge on customer reviews for WooCommerce next to their name, the admin can customize the badge with text/sample/icon.
    Hide review author name: Displays the author name of the review with asterisks, which can be displayed as N**.
    Image caption: Allows review authors to add a caption to each review picture.
    Edit reviews: The admin can edit review text, rearrange or change review images.
    Helpful button: This option allows users to mark reviews as “helpful” or “unhelpful”. The result will be displayed on the front-end under each review.
    Additional fields on the review form: Create multiple optional fields and set values for those fields. Then customers can select these values when they leave a review. The Optional Fields option helps to provide more information about the product.
    The plugin provides many design options for you to change customer reviews for WooCommerce to fit your website interface.
    Front-end style: there are 2 front-end styles for you to select. The Grid style and the default style.
    Number of columns: select how many columns to display customer reviews for WooCommerce with the Grid style.
    Background color: This helps you to change the background color of the review section.
    Text color: You can change the color of the review text.
    Review date: Choose to display the review date on the front end.
    Display Review Tab first: In some cases, the product description tab is displayed as default instead of the review tab. This option helps to display the review tab as default.
    Review Rating Count: Display overall rating on the front-end.
    Full-size images: This allows customers to display review images full-size.
    Upload file button: Customize the upload file button on the review form.
    Custom CSS: You can add your own CSS code to change the front-end design as you want.
    Share reviews feature is an advanced feature which allows you to share the same reviews for a range of products in the same list.
    You can set up email reminders to remind customers to leave reviews after they have purchased the product. The plugin will send a review reminder email to the customer, asking them to leave a review of the product. To encourage the customer to take pictures of the product and leave a review, the plugin will offer them a discount coupon.
    Set a schedule after the order change to specific statuses, the emails will be sent to remind for reviewing the product.
    Options to ignore sending review reminder emails to specific products/categories.
    Custom sender email address.
    Customize review reminder email templates: There are 2 types of the email template you can use to send review reminder emails, you will customize the review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
    Auto-login feature helps to log in to the website automatically when clicking from the Review now button on the review reminder email.
    In case you sent a Review Reminder email to customers to ask for a review, but they have not left any yet, this feature would be helpful. It helps if you want to remind them of leaving reviews for the items they purchased, by resending the email in case they somehow did not leave one.
    Set up a schedule to resend reminder emails: Repeat send reminder emails after certain days, at certain hours.
    Customize the resend reminder email templates: There are 2 types of the email template you can use to resend review reminder emails, you will customize the resend review reminder email templates using the WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original resend review reminder email template in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.
    Coupons can be given to customers who have purchased and reviewed your products.
    Send coupon email: The plugin will send an email with a coupon whenever a review that matches the requirements is published.
    Multiple rules to receive a coupon: You can make rules to receive coupons, if a review is eligible a certain rule, the user/customer will receive a respective coupon.
    Conditions in each rule to receive a coupon: Set specific conditions in each rule to obtain a coupon.
    Registered-account email is required: Activate this setting if you want coupons to be sent only if the author’s email address is registered with an account.
    Upload required: Coupon will be offered only if the customer review contains photos or videos.
    Verified owner is required: Coupon will be offered only if the reviews are rated by purchased customers.
    Minimum required rating: Coupon will be offered only if the rating is equal or greater than this value.
    Required categories: Coupon will be offered only if the reviewed products in these categories.
    Exclude categories to give coupon: Coupon will not be offered for the reviewed products in these categories.
    Required products: In this field, coupons can only be received by reviewing the selected products. Leave blank to apply for all products
    Exclude products to give coupon: Reviewing the selected products will not receive coupons.
    Use existing coupons: The admin can select to send existing WooCommerce coupons as a prize.
    Auto-generate coupons: The admin can set to generate unique coupons and send them along with the coupon emails, with all WooCommerce Coupon settings.
    Configure coupon email: There are 2 types of the email template you can use: WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin or the original coupon email template of the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin.

    The site administrators can add reviews manually.
    Select products to add a review manually.
    Add review information: Author, email, review title, content, rating, verified owner, review date, review images.
    The plugin allows you to import/export customer reviews for WooCommerce using CSV files.
    Export review: You can export existing customer reviews for WooCommerce to a CSV file. The exported file includes author, author email, comment date, comment content, rating, review image links, user ID…
    Date: Select a time range to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
    Products: Select the products which you want to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
    Categories: Select the categories to export customer reviews for WooCommerce.
    Rating: Select the review with the rating you want to export. For example, you want to export only 4-stars and 5-stars reviews.
    Comment status: Select the comment status of the review you want to export. For example, you want to export only approved reviews.
    Import Review: You can import customer reviews for WooCommerce using CSV files as well. The imported CSV file has the same configuration as the exported CSV file.
    Since version, the plugin has included a new feature: You can directly import customer reviews from AliExpress and Amazon into WooCommerce using the Import AliExpress/Amazon Reviews to Woo Extention. You can quickly import reviews using the AliExpress and Amazon product IDs with this feature, and you can import reviews to any particular products on your WooCommerce website.
    Connect the extension and import unlimited reviews with photos on any products on Aliexpress and Amazon pages.
    Import reviews to a product which has the SKU the same Aliexpress or Amazon product’s ID.
    Import reviews to specific products on your WooCommerce website.
    Set a status for the reviews imported through Chrome extension, you can choose approved or pending.
    Set the reviews imported by the chrome extension as verified reviews.
    Import the vote up/down count of reviews
    Option to upload review images to your server instead of using the original image URL.
    Option to upload reviews with videos.
    Import reviewers’ order info (except for logistics info) such as Color, Size… to Optional fields.
    The plugin allows you to import customer reviews for WooCommerce from AliExpress by using AliExpress product IDs.
    Import using product ID: Using an AliExpress product ID to import reviews from that product to a selected WooCommerce product.
    Selected Ratings: Import reviews with expected rating: All reviews, only 5-star reviews, only 4-star reviews, only 3-star reviews, only 2-star reviews, or only 1-star reviews.
    Included pictures: Select to import only reviews that include pictures
    Mark imported review as Verified owner: The imported reviews will be marked with a “Verified owner” badge.
    Download picture: If you select the download picture option, pictures will be downloaded to your website database. If not, the plugin will use the AliExpress pictures (with URLs to AliExpress.com) to display review pictures.
    Country: Select a particular country and import only reviews from that selected country.
    Number of reviews: Select several reviews that will be imported. A product on AliExpress.com can have thousands of reviews and you may not want to import all of those reviews. So this option will help you to set a limit on how many reviews will be imported.
    WooCommerce Photo Reviews is available 4 widgets in Elementor:
    Photo Reviews: To display a list of reviews on your website.
    Review form: To display the review form for customers to post their reviews.
    Rating: To display the product rating.
    Overal rating: To display the last average rating of the product.
    Note: This feature is only available in the WooCommerce Photo Reviews plugin premium version.

    The plugin provides 4 shortcodes.
    Overall rating shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_overall_rating_html product_id="" overall_rating_enable="on" rating_count_enable="on"]: This shortcode is used to display the overall rating
    Product rating shortcode [wc_photo_reviews_rating_html product_id="" rating="" review_count="on"]: This shortcode is used to display the rating of a product
    Review form shortcode [woocommerce_photo_reviews_form product_id="" hide_product_details="" hide_product_price="" type="popup" button_position="center"]: This shortcode can be used for a single product page or review page of the reminder email.
    Reviews shortcode (Usage with all available arguments) [wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page="12" cols="3" cols_mobile="1" use_single_product="on" cols_gap="" products="" grid_bg_color="" grid_item_bg_color="" grid_item_border_color="" text_color="" star_color="" product_cat="" order="" orderby="comment_date_gmt" show_product="on" filter="on" pagination="on" pagination_ajax="on" pagination_pre="" pagination_next="" loadmore_button="off" filter_default_image="off" filter_default_verified="off" filter_default_rating="" pagination_position="" conditional_tag="" custom_css="" ratings="" mobile="on" style="masonry" masonry_popup="review" enable_box_shadow="on" full_screen_mobile="on" overall_rating="off" rating_count="off" only_images="off" image_popup="below_thumb"]: This shortcode is to display all reviews or specific reviews of some products or categories
    To learn more about How to use these shortcodes, please regard this documentation.
    Multiple Language: WooCommerce Photo Reviews allows you to display different front-end messages, emails in different languages. This feature works with WPML and Polylang.
    Preview: You can preview the emails created by WooCommerce Photo Reviews in the back-end.
    Automatically update: You can update the plugin from your Dashboard during your support period. This option requires you to authenticate your purchase.
    • Free
  23. [[Template downloads/front/browse/tableRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  24. Perfex CRM is self hosted Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time.
    Managing customers is important and Perfex CRM helps in several ways:
    Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature.
    Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized.
    Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.
    Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets.
    Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff.
    Add task followers even if the staff is not project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project.
    Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop.
    Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.
    Records your company/project expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice.
    Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.
    Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.
    Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.
    Create announcements for your staff members and customers.
    Use Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales.
    Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads and more.
    Receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies.
    Tons of configurable options.
    Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature.
    Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files.
    Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions.
    Follow ups, reports, notes, files and many more features.
    CRMs need to focus on customers and Perfex CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level.
    Perfex CRM has many features designed to fit many applications. Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how Perfex CRM can help you succeed.

    Easily manage your customers and their contacts, create multiple contacts for your customers and set proper permissions. Customers area is fully separated from the admin area. Clients have their own client portal with all financial data from your company presented in clear view.

    Perfex allows you to keep in track your invoices, items and generate reports. Add new currencies, using multiple currencies is allowed by previously setup customer currency. Invoice with different tax based on item.

    Recurring Invoices
    Create recurring invoices that will be re-created automatically without you lifting a finger, based on the specified period for the recurring invoice. The period time could be days, weeks, months or years.

    Recurring Expenses
    Creating recurring expenses. Set up a recurring expense and the expense will automatically be re-created after the specified period. The period time could be days, weeks, months or years

    Create estimate within a minute, sent to your customers and wait to accept, add notes for better organization for your next actions, create reminders. Ability to auto convert the estimate to invoice after customer accept.

    Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Receive notification when proposal is accepted/declined and auto send thank you email to your customer after accepting the proposal. Proposal overdue notice before X days available.

    Online Payments
    Receive payments from Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Authorize.net, 2Checkout, PayU Money and Braintree, we have implemented payment gateways that are available in most of the countries.

    Manage projects and track time spent on project for each staff member. Record project expenses and invoices and bill your clients faster. Professional Gantt Chart included for each project and staff member.

    Create milestones for projects and track time spend based on milestone. Ability to Drag and Drop tasks between milestones.

    Leads or potential clients are really important part to any company. Every company trying everyday to get new leads. Very offen happend some potential client to call and ask for specific service that you company serve and then sometimes this is forgotten. With Perfex CRM you will never forget your potential clients and you will be able to manage all of them in one place. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto import leads from email, add notes, create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop. Ability to auto import leads from emails and web to lead forms, import leads from .CSV file included.

    Web to Lead Forms
    Create unlimited web to lead forms and inject in your landing page or website. This feature allows you to import leads into Perfex CRM from form. Use web to lead forms to gather potential clients information, allow them to request quotes directly from your website.

    You can add new contracts based on your clients. Adding contracts is very simple, you can set start date and end date and have clear view of all your company contracts in one place. You wont need anymore to search in your desk documents. Create PDF contracts and send to your customers from Perfex CRM. Contract overdue reminders available.

    Great support ticket system with autoresponse, private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, predefined ticket replies, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, ticket statuses. Feature for auto importing tickets via Email Forwarder/IMAP method included. Let your customer reply and create new tickets via email, without accesing the client portal.

    Assign your staff to specific departments and ability to auto import tickets by department email.

    Custom Fields
    Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads, tickets, invoices, comapany, estimates and more.

    Staff Reminders
    Setup staff reminders for staff member with ability to notify by email and built-in. Reminders are available for important features.

    Theme Styling without coding
    Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. To fit best for your needs create custom.css and add your own styles.

    Create private or public events. Receive notification when an event is coming built-in and email.

    Easily re-organize admin menu
    You can re-organize admin main menu and the setup menu from in few seconds, you need only to login in your admin area. No coding is required. Add/Remove icons to fit for your needs.

    Email Templates
    Setup predefined email templates from text editor. Merge fields available and multi language options available.

    Staff Roles & Permissions
    You can give staff a specific permissions what can do or can’t do. Role permissions can be overided for each staff.

    Goals Tracking
    Setup goals and tracking achievements. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.

    Personal Todo
    Every staff member can have their own personal todo dashboard which will allow your staff member to easily organize the their work.

    Manage all your staff members from one place.

    Company Newsfeed
    Share great company events, upload documents, easy employees communications.

    Staff Tasks
    Assign task to multiple employees, add task followers, task comments allowed, task attachments. Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized.

    Recurring Tasks
    Create tasks that will be auto created for a given period.

    Create surveys with one click. Send to staff, leads, clients or manually created mail lists. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.

    Expenses Report
    Reports by customer
    Custom date picker
    Leads Conversions
    Knowledge base articles (Track if your article is usefull to clients, improve text based on votes)

    Knowledge Base
    Add knowledge base articles from text editor. “Did you find this article useful?” vote included in clients area.

    Media Library
    Upload files in media library. Each staff member that is not admin have their own folder for uploading files.

    Auto Backup Database
    Setup auto backup database each X days to prevent losing your important data.

    Sensitive data is encrypted
    Perfex CRM encrypts all sensitive data in the database with unique encryption key. Encryption performed on email passwords, api keys, api passwords etc..

    Server Side Datatables
    Perfex CRM is using serverside datatables to perfectly handle large databases.

    Perfex is fully responsive. You can easily access your data from mobile or tablet.

    Google reCaptcha
    Google reCaptcha available for admin login, customer login and customer register area.

    Action Hooks
    To prevent editing the core files we created action hooks for some important functionalities. Send us an email if you want we to include another action hook based on your needs.

    Activity Log
    Track all staff activity. Adding new items, creating, deleting.

    Perfex CRM is really flexible, we have included options that will make Perfex CRM to fit for your company requirements. Hundreds options included, overwriting language text, for more advanced users custom CSS file to change any styles you want, edit VIEW/HTML files without need to worry when performing upgrade and even action hooks.
    • Free
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    JPG to GIF tool
    JPG to ICO tool
    JPG to BMP tool
    WEBP to JPG tool
    WEBP to GIF tool
    WEBP to PNG tool
    WEBP to BMP tool
    WEBP to ICO tool
    BMP to JPG tool
    BMP to GIF tool
    BMP to PNG tool
    BMP to WEBP tool
    BMP to ICO tool
    ICO to JPG tool
    ICO to GIF tool
    ICO to PNG tool
    ICO to WEBP tool
    ICO to BMP tool
    GIF to JPG tool
    GIF to ICO tool
    GIF to PNG tool
    GIF to WEBP tool
    GIF to BMP tool
    HEIC to PNG tool
    HEIC to GIF tool
    HEIC to JPG tool
    YouTube thumbnail downloader tool
    Image optimizer tool
    QR code reader tool
    Exif reader tool
    Color picker tool
    HEX to HEXA tool
    HEX to RGB tool
    HEX to RGBA tool
    HEX to HSV tool
    HEX to HSL tool
    HEX to HSLA tool
    HEXA to HEX tool
    HEXA to RGB tool
    HEXA to RGBA tool
    HEXA to HSV tool
    HEXA to HSL tool
    HEXA to HSLA tool
    RGB to HEX tool
    RGB to HEXA tool
    RGB to RGBA tool
    RGB to HSV tool
    RGB to HSL tool
    RGB to HSLA tool
    RGBA to HEX tool
    RGBA to HEXA tool
    RGBA to RGB tool
    RGBA to HSV tool
    RGBA to HSL tool
    RGBA to HSLA tool
    HSV to HEX tool
    HSV to HEXA tool
    HSV to RGB tool
    HSV to RGBA tool
    HSV to HSL tool
    HSV to HSLA tool
    HSL to HEX tool
    HSL to HEXA tool
    HSL to RGB tool
    HSL to RGBA tool
    HSL to HSV tool
    HSL to HSLA tool
    HSLA to HEX tool
    HSLA to HEXA tool
    HSLA to RGB tool
    HSLA to RGBA tool
    HSLA to HSV tool
    HSLA to HSL tool
    Celsius to Fahrenheit tool
    Celsius to Kelvin tool
    Fahrenheit to Celsius tool
    Fahrenheit to Kelvin tool
    Kelvin to Celsius tool
    Kelvin to Fahrenheit tool
    Miles to Kilometers tool
    Kilometers to Miles tool
    Mph to Kph tool
    Kph to Mph tool
    Kilograms to Pounds tool
    Pounds to Kilograms tool
    Number to Roman Numerals tool
    Roman Numerals to Number tool
    Liters to Gallons (US) tool
    Liters to Gallons (Imperial) tool
    Gallons (US) to Liters tool
    Gallons (Imperial) to Liters tool
    Unix Timestamp to Date tool
    Date to Unix Timestamp tool
    Seconds to Minutes tool
    Seconds to Hours tool
    Seconds to Days tool
    Seconds to Weeks tool
    Seconds to Months tool
    Seconds to Years tool
    Minutes to Seconds tool
    Minutes to Hours tool
    Minutes to Days tool
    Minutes to Weeks tool
    Minutes to Months tool
    Minutes to Years tool
    Hours to Seconds tool
    Hours to Minutes tool
    Hours to Days tool
    Hours to Weeks tool
    Hours to Months tool
    Hours to Years tool
    Days to Seconds tool
    Days to Hours tool
    Days to Hours tool
    Days to Weeks tool
    Days to Months tool
    Days to Years tool
    Weeks to Seconds tool
    Weeks to Hours tool
    Weeks to Hours tool
    Weeks to Days tool
    Weeks to Months tool
    Weeks to Years tool
    Months to Seconds tool
    Months to Hours tool
    Months to Hours tool
    Months to Days tool
    Months to Weeks tool
    Months to Years tool
    Years to Seconds tool
    Years to Hours tool
    Years to Hours tool
    Years to Days tool
    Years to Weeks tool
    Years to Months tool
    Bits to X tools
    Nibbles to X tools
    Bytes to X tools
    Kilobits to X tools
    Kibibits to X tools
    Kilobytes to X tools
    LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER / DISCORD – To help users login to your website faster.
    TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – To help your users with their account security.
    SEO FRIENDLY – Proper URLs, dynamic titles, highly controllable via per language.
    SITEMAP – The full sitemap is automatically generated for you and ready to be used.
    and many many more..
    Administrative Features
    STRIPE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Stripe.
    PAYPAL PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paypal.
    OFFLINE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging offline payments (ex: via bank transfers or other methods). The best way to get paid by your users if you do not use Paypal or Stripe.
    COINBASE CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Coinbase.
    CRYPTO.com CRYPTO PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Crypto.com.
    RAZORPAY PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Razorpay.
    PAYU PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time payments from your users for custom plans via PAYU.
    PAYSTACK PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paystack.
    MOLLIE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time, Recurring or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Mollie.
    YOOKASSA PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via yookassa.com.
    PADDLE PAYMENTS – Earn money by charging One time or Lifetime payments from your users for custom plans via Paddle.com.
    DISCOUNT AND REDEEMABLE CODES – Create unlimited discount or redeemable codes from the admin panel for your users.
    TAXES – Easily create, configure taxes and attach them to paid plans.
    INVOICING – Configure and generate proper invoices, displaying potential discount codes and applied taxes for your users.
    FREE, TRIAL PLAN CUSTOMIZATION – Configure exactly what each defined plan can or can not do or disable them completely.
    UNLIMITED CUSTOM PLANS – Create custom made plans for your users.
    PAYMENTS – Both you (as the admin) and your users will have access to their payments made on the platform.
    MULTILINGUAL READY – Easily translate via the admin panel and run multiple languages for your website. (Note: User generated content is not translatable.)
    STATISTICS – Get to know what happens on your website by checking out the statistics page.
    USERS – Create, view, edit, ban or delete any user on the platform via the admin panel.
    MULTILINGUAL PAGES – Create, view, edit or delete any custom page on the platform via the admin panel.
    MULTILINGUAL BLOG – Create, view, edit or delete any blog page or category on the platform via the admin panel.
    BROADCASTS / NEWSLETTER – Easily send emails in bulk directly via the admin panel.
    SETTINGS – This is the control page where you update your website and create it exactly as you wish by editing important details enabling or disabling certain features such as.
    Disable the default landing page and redirect to your custom one
    SMTP configuration
    Enable or disable the Registration system
    Enable or disable email confirmation for new users
    Upload your own logo, favicon or opengraph image
    Configure your business and payment settings
    Set up your Social media links
    Add your custom CSS or JavaScript code
    Configure your ad codes to display ads to your users
    Display announcements to your users with ease
    Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, hCaptcha or a simple default one)
    Configure email notifications for admins for certain events
    Fully configurable cookie consent manager & implementation
    Please read the whole documentation along with the readme at66toolkit Documentation.
    Important: If you plan to use the product for business purposes and get paid by your users that you bring on the platform, in any way (directly via the already existing payment methods or outside of the already existing ones), you must use the extended license.
    Used external APIs
    This is a list of features that use an external API to properly work. Consider the fact that these tools are dependant on the External API to work, so if something happens to those APIs, the feature will stop working.
    Image optimizer – Free – resmush.it API
    Text to speech – Free – Google API
    Website hosting checker – Free – ip-api.com API
    Safe URL checker – Free – Google Safe Browsing API
    AI Admin panel Translation – Paid – OpenAI API (optional)
    All payment gateways for Extended licenses – Free, they take commission – (optional)
    Additional terms & privacy policy
    These are the extra terms & privacy policy of the item, in addition to the already enforced terms & privacy policy by the Envato Market. By purchasing, downloading, and using this product, you agree to those extra terms & privacy policy
    When visiting the demo of the product, your processed data will be kept for around 30 days (more or less) and then it will be completely erased, including data that you submitted yourself when testing the product.
    The demo of the product is for demonstration purposes, you will get everything that you see in the demo, excluding data that is stored solely on the demo (users, links..etc), and other potential custom related data that is only there for demonstration purposes.
    When installing the product, you will be asked for your license key along with the actual installation process to confirm your license validity.
    Besides this, we will store the license key, website URL, and server IP in our private server. This is done so that we can identify legal & active product installations and provide proper support.
    Failing to request support from the proper channels mentioned in the Support tab, or not providing proof of purchase when asking for support will lead to your support request being discarded.
    We do collect access logs & track the visits to our demo for security & statistics purposes, including the use of required cookies. All this data is automatically being deleted once every 30 days (give or take). By accessing our demo, you comply with these terms.
    • Free