Plugins / Addons
77 files
Turn Attributes into Images
Attributes in your WooCommerce shop can be boring! Our WooCommerce Attribute Images plugin helps you to drive attention to your attributes. It also removes the boring select fields for variable products and transform them into beautiful image swatches.
Attribute Images Plugin Features
Transform Attribute Names & Values into Images Show Attribute Images in Variable Products (swatches) Customize the Styling Easy to Setup Well Documented
WooCommerce 3.0+ WordPress 3.8.1+ Redux Framework -
If you develop for the web, chances are you manage your code in git. Once your code is ready to deploy, updating your EDD download usually entails downloading a zip, renaming the main folder, removing un-needed files, and then re-zipping and uploading. This process can be time consuming, especially if you maintain multiple sites or lots of downloads.
The Git Download Updater extension automates this process for your code that lives on GitHub and BitBucket. Instead of manually updating your download for release, you select the repo and version tag, and the plugin does the rest. It updates the download file and sets the proper file names.
Fetch zip files directly from git tags Supports both private and public repositories Parses readme.txt to extract and update the changelog if using Software Licensing for EDD Update to a new version or roll back to a previous version simply changing the version number and clicking fetch -
Payment Gateway a) Paypal [Express Checkout] b) Stripe [ Full synchronize with Stripe Plan ] c) Woocommerce Payment Mailchimp to store Email for new registrants WPML 13 languages files inside of the plugin Integrated with visual Composer Directory/Listing 1) Add/Edit Listing from frontend “My Account” 2) My Favorites 3) Feature Listing 4) My Payment History 5 ) Who is interested about my listing 6) Claim Listing 7) Contact List Owner Responsive Touch slider 9) Event of listing 10) Booking shortcode 11) Sell Coupon/ Deal By listing owner paypal 12) Listing Read / Write access by user role 13) Admin can add new fields 14) Category Map Marker image setting 15) User Listing Publish Ability or Pending for approval Membership Type a) Free Account b) One time Payment c) Recurring Payment d) Free Trial e) Paid Trial e) Variable Payment Package 7 Pricing Tables 2 Signup styles My account User Setting User Social Profile User privacy setting User Change Password User All Post User Post: Custom Fields User Insert Post User Edit Post Subscription upgrade Subscription downgrade Subscription Cancel Coupon for Signup Coupon By Package Set Coupon limit Set Coupon expire date User Role creation by Package Overriding templates Page Redirect User Public Profile Page Redirect User My Account Page Redirect User Registration Page Redirect Page Setting 11 Email Templates User Welcome Email template User Forget Password Email template User Order Email template Admin Order Email template Listing contact Email template Listing contact Email template for CC Admin [Admin Setting] Claim Email template Subscription Reminder Email Template User Public Profile Payment History User Public Profile Page Redirect: Hide Admin Bar User Directories And Lots of other settings.. -
This add-on Stripe payment gateway allows you to accept credit cards directly on your site through your account. When purchasing downloads through the Stripe gateway with Easy Digital Downloads for WordPress, users enter their credit card details during the checkout process and never leave your site, resulting in a better experience for the user, and more successful conversions for you.
Easy Digital Download Currency Converter extension allow your customers to convert product prices to a currency of their choice easily.
Easy Digital Download Currency Converter uses Open Exchange Rates for converting your product prices to a currency of your customers choice! It features currency detection and responsive design.
Note, Orders are still completed using the base currency set in Easy Digital Download settings, converted prices are just for reference. -
Wallet for Easy Digital Downloads adds a deposit system to your website that allows your customers to purchase store credit and then redeem it at a later point for items in your store.
Customers who make deposits are given a wallet on your site that holds their balance. Funds can be added to the wallet at any time and used at checkout for purchases on your site.
Customers can deposit funds into their wallet at anytime Store admins can define the deposit amounts allowed Deposit confirmation email sent to customer and store admins when deposits are made Funds in wallet can be used to make purchases at anytime Store admins can incentivize wallet purchases by offering a discount to customers that purchase with pre-deposited funds Store admins can manually add or subtract funds in a customer’s wallet at anytime Store admins can view balances of all customer wallets Works with all payment gateways Integrated with AffiliateWP Store Credit -
Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium
Rank higher with your online store in Google and Bing, and on Pinterest Get more buyers to your website by making your products stand out in the results Sell more online by making your products easier to find on your website Are you or your client using both the Yoast SEO plugin and the WooCommerce plugin?
Smart move!
They’re a great combo if you’re serious about selling online (No wonder they’re both in the top 10 most downloaded WordPress plugins worldwide).
But since they’re from different developers, they were not initially designed to work together.
That’s why we created the Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin for you. -
The Simplest yet most Advanced Wordpress Advertising Manager!
The “Adning” (formerly WP PRO Advertising System) Wordpress plugin focuses on easy banner managing for any WordPress site. It comes bundled with extremely easy to use features that will make your work so much more pleasant!
Create, Manage and Display Unlimited ADS. Auto Positioning & Display Filters Ad rotation with modern transition effects Targeted Advertising Create Floating Content, Popups and Notification Bars ADS for All Custom Post Types Special Google AdSense Support HTML5 Banner Support Sell AD Spots – WooCommerce Integration Mobile/Device Detection – 100% Responsive Use page builders like Gutenberg, Visual Composer, Elementor to create banners Google Analytics Integration AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Support
WordPress Real Media Library v4.7.5 - Media Categories / Folders File Manager Nulled
WordPress Real Media Library helps you with media management. Organize thousands of uploaded files into folders, collections and galleries. A real file manager that allows you to manage large amounts of files such as pictures, videos or documents in WordPress. Media library folders for everyone!
WordPress 5.x / Gutenberg ready Folder for the WordPress media library Drag & Drop your files Works great on touch devices Create shortcuts of files in multiple folders. Shortcuts do not require physical storage space (0 kb). Full control over your folders in one toolbar (create, rename, delete) Rearrange folders by drag & drop or by criterium (e.g. name in ascending order) Sort folder contents by drag & drop or criteria (e.g. A-Z) automatically or once Bulk select folders and delete multiple folders at once Filter in the WordPress insert media dialog Advanced media library uploader Upload files directly to a folder Create dynamic galleries from a folder with Gutenberg block or shortcode Order folder contents by drag & drop or by criterion (date, name, ...) Quickly navigate to folders with quick folder search Translated into several languages Compatible with all major themes, page builders and many plugins Supports WordPress Multisite (each page has its own folder tree) GPDR/DSGVO: The plugin does not collect personal data without your consent! Import categories/folders from plugins like FileBird, WP Media Folder, Advanced Media Library, Media Library Wizard and more -
WooCommerce License Manager
WooCommerce License Manager is a WordPress plugin that allow you to easily sell license keys, pin codes, gift card or license your digital product with predefined or automatically generate license keys.
New Features: Version 4.0
– Added Stock synchronization: now you can sync available license keys stock with WooCommerce product stock.
– Added the option to automatically change expired license keys status.
– Better back-order support: added more option to the order page so you can replace keys individually or assign new ones to an already existing order.
New Features: Version 3.0
– Backorders support
– Automatically enable sending license keys when a license key is added or imported
– Bulk image license key upload
– Bulk license key generation
– Available license keys count in the product page
– License keys global settings
– Replace order license keys
– API version 2
This is a license key delivery plugin for stores that sell products that require a license key like softwares, games, gift cards or any other products that need a license key delivered after purchase.
Add License keys
License keys can be either added manually one by one or imported from txt or csv file
and assigned to a product.
The license keys support extra details that can be left empty if not needed like an Expiration Date or a Validity(The number of day the license key is valid for)
The License Key text field support Multi line text and HTML code, so you can make the license key appear as a clickable link en the emails for example. -
This Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress is the most advanced Google Maps plugin ever created. We developed it using valuable feedback from thousands of customers.
Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies & location data easily. Create multiple filters using backend. Display posts, pages or custom posts type on google maps. You can display multiple posts type on a single google maps. Assign location to your post easily using meta box or your own custom fields. You can use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign location to your post as well. Display posts information e.g title, content, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, custom fields or custom taxonomies in infowindow. You just need to use placeholders to display these data. Display posts listing below the map and show posts information in the listing. You can customize html easily to integrate your own design. Display posts or locations below map in grid or list format. Visitor can switch format at front-end. Add any number of information in location or marker details and display them in an info window easily. e.g fax, phone, email, website, etc. Import unlimited location data from CSV. You can import any number of fields in the location. Assign categories to your location using csv. All CSV delimiters supported. Assign multiple categories to a location and allow visitors to filter by categories. Choose to redirect to a location or display infowindow message on marker click for both posts or manually added locations. A complete listing module to filter, sort, print and advanced search box to filter posts or locations by zip, address, city, country, post tile or location title and categories. Listing module is ajax based for fastest search experience and usability. Search posts or locations nearby within certain radius. Customize radius settings in the backend. Filter locations/markers by category on the map. Ability filters to multiple categories at once. Sort listing by title, address or category in both ascending and descending order. Print filtered location listing. You can control print option via backend. Placeholders to modify location listing data without any programming. Enable or disable search form, category filter, print option, sorting options in the backend. Listing module is pagination supported. You can decide # of posts or locations per page using backend setting. Ask start location and end location from visitor to show route directions. Click on marker to automatically fill start location. Get driving, bicycling, walking or transit route information. Visitor can get route directions in both miles and kilometre. Display start location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Display end location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab. Get nearby places within certain radius using google places api. Display Circle around amenities found using google places api. Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations. Just activate and the plugin will handle the rest. You can apply marker clustering on both posts and locations. Marker cluster will be updated automatically on filtration. Choose marker cluster icons and mouseover icons to improve user experience. 10 marker cluster styles are available Choose marker cluster grid size and max zoom level. Create routes in the backend and display them on front-end. You can assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide routes on front-end using route filter form. You can display multiple routes on a google maps. Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to create a route. Make route draggable and optimize waypoints to suggest the best possible route. Assign waypoints to the route. Searchable location listings is added to assign waypoints to the route quickly. Admin can draw any number of circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and display them on google maps. Shapes are clickable. Display an infowindow on click on a shape. Redirect to a location on click on a shape. Delete individual shapes or modify property of the shape by selecting on click. Draw any number of shapes on the map and save all of them together. Use your own coordinates to draw shapes. Apply awesome Google Maps styles from with a simple copy and paste. You can create your own custom styles as well for roads, labels or geometry for your own google maps skin. Fetch locations from external data sources e.g custom tables or API and automatically assign to map using hooks. Ability to fetch latitude, longitude, city, country, state and zip code automatically when you type an address in the input field. Manage parent-child categories. Assign your own markers to categories or choose from +500 readymade markers. Ability to search within icons list to find suitable icons and assign to a category quickly. Using placeholders e.g {marker_title},{marker_address},{marker_message},{marker_latitude},{marker_longitude}, customize the body of the infowindow message. Display infowindow on marker click or mouseover. Open infowindow when page load without click or mouseover. Modify infowindow contents via hook using programming. Close infowindow on marker click. You can disable this feature in the backend. Apply Bounce Animation on marker click or mouse over. Apply Drop Animation on marker when they display on google maps. Change zoom level of the map on marker click for better visibility. Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map. Display large number of data on the map using fusions table. The best way to manage large sets of data. Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Traffic Layers. Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer. Display physical maps based on terrain information. Ability to display multiple layers together on the map. Set height, width, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable property and apply 45° imagery. Maps are fully responsive and adjust automatically according to device. (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map. Center the map based on visitor’s current location. Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location. Set property of the circle. Assign multiple locations to the map using searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you have hundreds of locations. Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Type Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and decide the position of the controls over the map. Hide markers on page load and display them after filtration only. Display street view of the location. Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location. Display overlays and customize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and border style. Easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings. Display GEOJSON data using URL easily. Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views. Display Google Maps in sidebars using widget. You can display any number of maps in the sidebar. Display categories, directions, routes, and nearby tabs together on a google maps. Display location counts with category name. and sort categories by number of location assigned. Keep backup of locations, routes, maps and categories. You can assign permissions to your users to manage your location, categories, routes and maps. Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on Google Maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source. Add multiple Google maps on a page. Each map will have own properties. A cross browser compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all other major browsers Multilingual Supported using .po files. Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide. -
FS Poster gives you a great opportunity to auto-publish WordPress posts on the most popular social networks automatically. By making use of FS Poster you will also be able to schedule posts, re-publish previously created posts, and so on.
What are the benefits of purchasing our plugin?
Save your time You will be able to save your time by sharing your WordPress posts automatically Improves site SEO You will be able to increase links to your site from social networks. Keep your social media fresh You will be able to keep your social profiles fresh by posting frequently using Schedule module. Increase site visitors More shares will bring more visitors to your site. Supported social networks
You will be able to publish your posts/pages/products to 13 social networks at the same time:
Facebook ( accounts, pages, groups ) Twitter ( accounts ) Instagram ( accounts, story ) Linkedin ( accounts, companies ) Pinterest ( account boards ) Reddit ( accounts ) Tumblr ( accounts ) ( accounts, pages, groups, events ) ( accounts, groups ) Telegram ( chats, channels, groups ) Medium ( profiles, publications ) Google My business ( locations ) WordPress based sites All features
13 social networks integrated
You will be able to publish your posts to 13 social networks at the same time. Configure unlimited accounts, communities on each Social Media
You will be able to add unlimited accounts, pages, groups, communities, etc. on each Social network. Auto-post New Blog Posts
The plugin will share your WordPress posts automatically on active social profiles. Schedule posts
You will be able to create Schedules which allow you to share your blog posts within the determined interval and selected filters. Manual Share Panel
You will be able to share or schedule custom contents, images, links without creating any WordPress post. Insights
You will be able to view post visits, compare social networks or social accounts by link clicks, etc. Logs
You will be able to see all the logs about your publications. Customize Post Messages
You will be able to customize your Post messages differently for each social media by using specific keywords. Support all Custom Post types
You will be able to share your all custom post types. Example: WooCommerce products, etc. Filter publications by Post Categories
You will be able to filter what categorized posts will be shared in what social networks. Posting interval
You will be able to control your posting frequency with this option. Customize your Post URL
You will be able to customize your Post URL by additional URL parameters. Bulk Schedule Action
You will be able to choose many WordPress posts and schedule all of them with bulk action. Calendar view
You will be able to see all Scheduled posts in the Calendar view. Therefore, you can see on what date you scheduled what publications. Track link clicks
You will be able to track Post link clicks as well as weekly or monthly clicks and compare your social networks. Hashtags
You will be able to use WordPress categories, tags as social hashtags. URL shortener services
You will be able to shorten your Post URLs with TinyURL or Bitly services. WordPress multi-site
You will be able to use the plugin in WordPress multi-site platforms as well. Proxy support
You will be able to use different proxies for each social account. Supports Emoji
You will be able to use emojis on your Custom Post Messages. -
No Theme Dependancy
Due to our flexible shortcodes and templates, the plugin can be used with any theme out there.
Automated Data Updates
Product information (e.g. pricing) will be updated via Amazon's Product Advertising API automatically.
Amazon Partner Networks
USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico and India.
Tracking ID
The plugin automatically creates affiliate links for you, including your personal tracking id.
Responsive and Mobile Friendly
Developed to be used on desktop pcs, as well as on mobile devices like tables and smartphones.
Product information will be stored locally in order to reduce the number of API requests.
Prepared Templates
The plugin comes along with a variety of well crafted templates: Horizontal or vertical boxes, lists and tables.
Different Styles / Designs
Choose between different styles or customize the plugin's output via CSS.
Don't miss a referral anymore and forward your foreign visitors to their local Amazon store.
Comparison Tables
Compare multiple products with each other by creating a comparison table with our handy table builder.
Text Links
Placing customizable text links inside your running text by making use of our shortcodes.
Product Boxes
Promote specific products with visually appealing and conversion optimized product boxes.
Bestseller (Lists)
Create automated bestseller lists and set the number of products individually: e.g. Top 3, Top 10 etc.
New Releases (Lists)
Attract your visitor’s attention towards the newest products within a specific product group.
Data Fields
Show individual product information (such as price or buy button) anywhere in your posts / pages.
Make use of our prepared widgets in order to show products inside your sidebar.
Implemented support for delivering data via a HTTPS/SSL secured connection.
Google Accelerated Mobile Pages
Implemented support for Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages.
Click Tracking
Implemented support for “Event Tracking” when using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager or Piwik.
Custom Templates
With our template engine you can customize existing templates as well as creating completely new ones.
Amazon Prime & Extra Commissions
Flagging Amazon Prime articles and increasing your earned commissions when referring new prime memberships.
Sorting and Filtering
With AAWP you can sort and filter generated lists by product title, price and more.
Well Structured Admin Area
Inside your admin area, you define the most important settings and adjust the output of the products.
The plugin is translated into the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian and French.
Developer Friendly
Supporting developers by supplying special functions, PHP templating and WordPress hooks.
This is the newest collection of AMPforWP Extensions from Extensions – AMP for WordPress
We Build AMP like nobody else. We breath and live AMP technology and no body can beat us in this game. Currently building #1 AMP Plugin for WordPress.
Complete AMP Experience
Load instantly on mobile devices and designed for higher engagement with Google AMP
Homepage Support Posts, Pages & Custom Post Types Search, Archives & More Built-in Auto AMP Page Validator Monetize with Advertisement
Native AMP Ads slots placed all over the design to help you insert the Ads on the most visible spot.
6 Pre-Defined Ad slots Smart Responsive Google AdSense Optimize Viewability of the AD Sponsorship Label In-Content ADs after X Paragraph & Auto Ads PRO Supports All Ad Companies PRO SEO Optimized
Search Engine Optimization Was Kept in mind at the development stage
Built-in JSON-LD Support Proper usage of Heading tags Yoast SEO Integration All in one SEO Intergration Powerful Settings Panel
You can Literally have control over each and every small area of the AMP site.
Color Schemes 300+ Options Easy to Use Designed for User Experience AMP for WP Core
Accelerated Mobile Pages v1.0.31
Extension Bundle
AMP ACF v2.8.1 AMP BBPress 1.4.1 AMP Cache v2.2.3 AMP Caldera Forms v1.2.3 AMP Classipress v0.7 AMP Comments v2.7.3 AMP Contact Form 7 v1.2.2 AMP CTA v2.3.4 AMP Custom Post Type v1.6 AMP Easy Table Of Contents v1.0.1 AMP EDD v1.3.1 AMP Email v1.0 AMP Facebook Chat v1.2 AMP Floating Button v1.0 AMP Gravity Forms v2.9.13 AMP Incontent Ads 1.19.1 (UPDATED) AMP Layouts v1.9.16 (UPDATED) AMP Liveblog v1.0.1 AMP Ninja Forms v1.2.1 AMP Opt-in Forms v1.9.9 (UPDATED) AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility v1.9.21 (UPDATED) AMP Pinterest v1.1 AMP Polylang v1.2.1.1 AMP Pop-up v1.5.1 AMP Purge CDN Cache v2.0.2 AMP Rating v2.7.4 AMP Shortcodes Ultimate v1.5.4 AMP Stories v1.4 AMP Table Of Content Plus v1. 6 AMP Teaser v1.5.2 AMP The Events Calendar v1.4.6 (UPDATED) AMP WooCommerce Pro v3.3.4 AMP WPFORMS v1.3 AMP WPML v1.7.2
Newspaper AMP Theme v2.0.8 -
The #1 WordPress Page Builder
Live Page Builder For WordPress
Reach a whole new level of design with Elementor, the most advanced drag & drop live page builder for WordPress.
Any Theme. Any Page.
Use Elementor with your favorite or customized theme. Change themes and still keep all your designs. Landing pages, homepages, posts, portfolios, products. Elementor can be used to design any page or custom post type. -
Secure WordPress with a
Trusted WordPress Security Plugin
Your WordPress website needs a WordPress security strategy that includes a trusted WordPress security plugin like iThemes Security Pro. WordPress currently powers over 25% of all websites, so it has become an easy target for hackers with malicious intent.
Make sure your WordPress website is secure and protected with iThemes Security Pro. iThemes Security Pro works to fix common WordPress security issues you may not know exist. By adding an extra layer of protection, iThemes Security Pro helps give you peace of mind—and keeps the bad guys out. -
Make WordPress Load Fast in a Few Clicks .Recognized as the most powerful caching plugin by WordPress experts
Page Caching
Caching creates an ultra-fast load time, essential for improving Search Engine Optimization and increasing conversions. When you turn on WP Rocket, page caching is immediately activated.
Cache Preloading
Because our crawler simulates a visit to preload the cache, the indexing of your website by search engines is instantly improved.
Static Files Compression
WP Rocket reduces the weight of your HTML, JavaScript and CSS files through minification. Lighter files means faster load time!
Images on Request
Images are loaded only as your visitor scrolls down the page, improving the load time of the page. YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo and other major websites are using this technique. Now yours can too.
Developer Friendly
WP Rocket’s code is developed according to WordPress best practices. It is clean, commented and has loads of hooks so developers can easily make advanced customizations. -
50+ Widgets & Addons
Both Free & PRO version include 50+ widgets and addons that help you finish your websites projects faster and with much better quality
Modular & Lightweight
Premium Addons is 100% modular, You can enable elements that you are using and disable the rest for faster performance. Also we developed our plugin the same way Elementor is built, Which means JS files are loaded depending on what elements you are using on each page.
Responsive & Cross Browser
Premium Addons’ widgets are tested on all major web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer to assure full browser compatibility for all elements.
100% White Labeled
Premium Addons can be completely re-branded with your own brand name and author details. Your clients will never know what tools you are using to build their website and will think that this is your own tool set. White-labeling works as long as your license is active. -
UpStream Helps You Track Progress: You can set and track major milestones for your project. Each milestone has start and end dates. You can easily see your progress with the Project Timeline and Calendar View extensions. | Your Clients Will Love UpStream: Your clients can view projects on the front end of your site. With the Frontend Edit extension, clients can also interact with the project, create tasks and bugs, and upload files.
Do you want to start an online business with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce?
Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce is most likely a keyword that is frequently searched on browsers. If you are new to an online business, Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce is the best option for you because it allows you to start an online business at a low cost, with low risk, attractive revenues, and a wide range of products from
The most common questions about Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce are:
How do I use Aliexpress Dropshipping to import products into WooCommerce?
Can these products be customized?
How do you manage the price and quantity of your Aliexpress products to maximize your profit?
Do I have to manually fulfill Aliexpress’s orders?
All of these concerns can be addressed by Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce and ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce, which is the best option that you should not overlook.
ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce is a plugin that enables store owners to import products from into their own WooCommerce store. This allows shop owners to easily process and run their own Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce with a wide range of Aliexpress products and earn more money from their online business.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Regarding Accuracy of Raw Information from AliExpress.
We make no guarantees about the raw information imported from AliExpress and AliExpress API provided by our plugin and will not be held liable if it is not accurate, complete, or up to date, or if it does not otherwise satisfy your specific needs. All risks regarding raw information and the material may not be excepted and will not be our responsibility.
There may be instances when the information provided through the plugin contains typographical mistakes, inaccuracies, or omissions that come from AliExpress and AliExpress API such as product descriptions, promotions, offers, pricing, shipping fee, availability, and delivery timeframes. Apart from official laws require, we make no commitment to correct, update, alter, or clarify such material. There is no specific update or refresh date supplied through AliExpress and AliExpress API that should be interpreted as indicating that all information on AliExpress has been edited or updated.
A. Connect Aliexpress and WooCommerce store
You can connect these 2 platforms WooCommerce and Aliexpress by one of 2 methods using:
Secret key
WooCommerce REST API
B. Import products using Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
This plugin allows you to import products from Aliexpess to your WooCommerce store:
Import single products: The plugin allows you to import single products.
Import category: The plugin allows you to import categories, too.
C. Manage Aliexpress products in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
You can set up global rules for products and price, also manage Aliexpress products in the Import List and quickly observe in the Imported sections before transferring to the WooCommerce store. In addition, you can customize Aliexpress products the same as other WooCommerce products.
+ Setup global rules:
a. Global rules for products:
These rules will be applied in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store including:
Products Status: Choose the status of imported products on your WooCommerce website. In particular, product status can be automatically set: Publish, Pending or Draft.
Product SKU: If using the shortcode {ali_product_id}, ID of product on aliexpress will be SKU of product on WooCommerce.
Auto-generate unique SKU if exist: When importing product in Import list, automatically generate unique SKU by adding increment if SKU exists.
Use global attributes: By default, all attributes of imported products are custom attributes. Basically, enabling this option allows us to automatically transfer those attributes to global attributes.
Show shipping option: Enable this option to display the shipping option in the Import list. Particularly, this feature will help to show the shipping cost of available shipping methods. Certainly, it will be easy for you to estimate product costs after calculating shipping costs.
Add shipping cost after price rules: Shipping cost will be added to the price of the original product after applying price rules.
Import as a simple product: If a product just has one variation or you select one variation to import, that product will be imported as a simple product. However, variation SKU and attributes will not be used.
Catalog visibility: This setting determines which shop pages products will be listed on. In particular, it can be: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden
Product description: Select to display product description and/or item specifics or not show this info in the imported product. In details, selection can be: None; Item specifics; Product description; Item specifics & Product description
Use the external link for images: You need to install an external storage plugin named: EXMAGE – WordPress Image Links plugin by VillaTheme before you can see this option. If you enable it, the original AliExpress image URL is saved on that external storage plugin, which helps to save your website storage space. This option replaces the Import description images option, which allows you to import AliExpress images to your server and eat up your website storage space.
Download description images: Enable this option to allow importing images in the product description if they are available.
Default select product images: Enable it, the First image will be selected as the product image, and other images (except images from the product description) are selected in the gallery when adding the product to the import list.
Disable background process: When importing products, instead of letting their images download in the background, the main product image will be downloaded directly, gallery and variation images (if any) will be added to Failed images pages so that you can go there to download them manually.
Default categories: Fill in the category titles, so imported products will be added to these categories.
Default shipping class: The shipping class selected here will also be selected by default in the Import list.If you are using shipping class in WooCommerce , available shipping classes will show up in the shipping class field of this Products tab, so you can choose one as default and apply for all products in the Import List
Default product tags: Fill in the tag titles, so imported products will be added to these tags.
Product variations are visible on the product page: Enable to make variations of imported products visible on the product page.
Manage stock: Enable to manage stock and import product inventory. However, if you disable this option, the product stock status will be set to “Instock” and product inventory will not be imported.
Ignore import ship from Enable to only import product variation with the ship from China.
Find and Replace: You can search for strings in the product title and description and replace found strings with respective values.
b. Global rules for product price:
These rules will apply in the Import list section before migrating into your WooCommerce store.
Exchange rate: This option allows you to convert US Dollars to your store currency from any amount. In addition, there are 2 ways to add the exchange rate: Click on the Update rate or add the exchange rate manually. Another key point, if this field sets the value as 1, it means that there is no change in currency ($USD as default).
Exchange rate decimals: Number of decimals to round exchange rate when updating the exchange rate with API.
Exchange rate of CNY / USD: In some cases, prices are only available in CNY so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, our plugin will skip syncing price.
Exchange rate of RUB/ USD: In some cases, prices are only available in RUB so we first have to convert them to USD. If not set, you will not be able to import products in RUB(if the store currency is not RUB) and our plugin will skip syncing price.
Exchange rate API: You can choose one of the available API currency exchange rate sources such as Google Finance, Yahoo finance, Cuex, TransferWise.
Update rate automatically: Enable this option to automatically update the exchange rate as a schedule, especially, accurately at days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Setup product price rule for multi quantity ranges. In particular, you can set a quantity range respectively with an action type.
Setup price format: rules for product price more attractive. Thus, take advances in pricing psychology in the sale.
c. Customize all attribute terms:
Display all variations of product attributes in the Product Attribute tab, so you can edit or replace current variation terms with any you want.
d. Product video: Import product videos using original Aliexpress video URL. The shortcode of the product video is available, you can copy and paste it where you want. Go to each product editing page, you can see the product video shortcode at the top right corner of the page. Support to hide/show the video on specific product pages.
e. Update price and quantity manually whenever Aliexpress store changes: Offer options to update product price, quantity and send the email notification.
f. Product overriding: Set rules for overridden products.
g. Product Migration: This feature helps to migrate Aliexpress products that are imported by other plugins like Ali2Woo, Alidropship…
D. Manage Aliexpress products in the Import List.
This section in allows doing customization for all individual products before importing to WooCommerce products with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce.
Product: Customize Aliexpress product information.
Product Title: Name of the product. SKU: Product SKU or ID of Aliexpress product
Product status: Aliexpress product status on WooCommerce store such as Public, Pending or Draft.
Catalog visibility: Select type of product visibility such as Shop and search results; Shop only; Search result only.
Categories: Choose categories the Aliexpress product belongs to.
Tags: Tag for the Aliexpress product on the WooCommerce store.
Description: Customize Aliexpress product descriptions.
Attributes: Customize Aliexpress product attributes. Shortly, you can edit attribute terms for each product in this tab, just click on the Edit button and modify terms. You can delete an attribute if you no longer need it.
Variations: Customize Aliexpress product variations.
The number of variations of the products: You can select a or some, also all variations to import.
Product variation images: You can select a or some, also all product variation images to import.
SKU: SKU of variation products can be editable.
Variations of product, you can edit variation terms in the Dropship & Fulfil > Product Attribute tab for all attributes of all imported products or in the Import List > Attributes for each individual product.
Shipping cost: Display shipping cost of available shipping methods. In particular, enable the Show shipping option in the Product tab to display this shipping cost field.
Cost: Display the original price of the product on Aliexpress.
Display Sale price and Regular price of Aliexpress product on WooCommerce store. These prices calculate after applying rules in the Product price tab.
Inventory: Display number of variations in stock.
Split product by variations: You can split into single products respectively with a number of variations available in an attribute or assign a certain variation to split.
Split products in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
This feature allows splitting variations of a variable product into single products. Particularly, you can split into single products respectively with a number of variations available in an attribute or assign a certain variation to split.
Gallery: Observe and select images to import media library.
Bulk action: This allows interaction with a range of selected products. Just select products applied bulk action, bulk action feature will appear including setting: Categories; Tags; Status: Public; Pending; Draft; Visibility: Shop and search results; Shop only; Search results only; Hidden; Import selected; Remove selected.
E. Manage Aliexpress products in the Imported in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
This section allows to quickly observe Aliexpress products that are imported to WooCommerce products, also do product overriding and update products.
Quickly observe Aliexpress products that are imported in WooCommerce product including Product title, SKU, Cost, WooCommerce price, Shipping info to calculate price when updating products, WC product status;
Overriding products: Do override an alternative product for the initial one. In detail, you can go to the Product Overriding tab to set rules for overridden products.
Update products: This option allows you to update product price and quantity, which helps you keep tracking of product statuses on Aliexpress.
F. Inventory and Price synchronizing in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
Custom price rules to apply to specific products/categories when syncing.
Manage syncing inventory and price using chrome extension
Cron to automatically sync inventory and price
Logs to record syncing: Time, change content
Send notification email about update changelog
Item status modification if they would change (If a product on AliExpress is out of stock; no longer available; If a selected shipping method is no longer available; If a variation is no longer available)
G. Shipping and Estimated delivery time on store front end with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
Select a shipping method for each item on the front end.
Settings to configure choosing shipping methods on the cart and checkout page.
Settings to configure choosing shipping methods on the single product page.
Work with product items with no shipping method available.
Mask Shipping companies.
H. Manage Aliexpress Orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce
You can go to Ali Orders section to quickly check and fulfill Aliexpress orders. Besides, you can go to order admin in WooCommerce to edit and fulfill orders.
Aliexpress Orders: This section in the plugin allows you to quickly observe and fulfill Aliexpress orders.
Order admin in WooCommerce: Manage Aliexpress order the same as other WooCommerce orders, moreover, you can do fulfill Aliexpress orders.
Update Aliexpress order ID and tracking number: There is an option to manually sync the Aliexpress order ID and tracking number from Aliexpress to WooCommerce.
I. Fulfill orders in Aliexpress dropshipping for WooCommerce
+ Fulfill options:
These settings in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce allow you to set up global rules for fulfilling orders automatically on AliExpress.
Aliexpress API: Get Access Token to fulfill Ali orders through API. The access token will appear when you enter a valid update key of the plugin in the Update tab.
Carrier company: Select a default carrier company for all imported products from in your WooCommerce store.
Default phone number: If an order does not have a phone number, this number will place when fulfilling the Aliexpress order.
AliExpress Order Note: This note will add to the AliExpress order when an order is fulfilled.
Show action: Order status to show a fulfilled action. In particular, you can set these statuses: Pending payment, On hold, Completed, Canceled, Refunded, Failed.
Change order status: Automatically change order status after order id & tracking number of an order are synced successfully.
+ Fulfill orders in Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce:
There are 2 ways to fulfill orders using the plugin’s extension or AliExpress API in the Ali Orders section.
Order by AliExpress API: Follow these steps to fulfill Aliexpress orders by API
1: Go to the update tab.
2: Add your Auto-update key, you can click on the Get key button. Besides, you can follow this guide to get the auto-update key.
3: Save & Check key.
4: Go to the Fulfill tab.
5: Click on the “Get Access Token” button. Note: Only Get a new access token if your current access token is expired or invalid.
Then go to Ali Orders section to fulfill orders by Aliexpress API.
Order with Extension: Follow these steps to fulfill Aliexpress by the extension of Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
1: Make sure your site has connected with the plugin’s extension. In detail, you can follow this link on how to connect plugin extension: By Secret key or by WooCommerce Rest API.
2: Click on the Order with Extension button in the Ali Orders section. Similarly, you can go to Order admin in WooCommerce to fulfill an order in this way.
+ Fulfill orders in Order admin of WooCommerce: Similarly, You can go to WooCommerce/ Orders to fulfill orders with Aliexpress Dropshipping for WooCommerce
Top Selling WordPress Form Builder Plugin
ARForms is top selling WordPress form builder plugin of 2024. Build finest responsive WordPress forms within just minutes, No coding, no design experience needed. Also includes built-in facility of WordPress popup forms. ARForms is not limited to creating just WordPress contact form, it is capable to create any type of forms like advanced forms, multi step forms, cost estimator forms, newsletter popup etc.
Better Looking & More Powerful!
The must have form builder plugin for WordPress has had a complete makeover! ARForms has an all new UI, designed to give users a real time experience, and it’s packed with powerful features so that you can prepare and process your forms at lightning speed.
Multi-Column & Resizable
ARForms comes with a fully featured multi-column facility, including the option to resize any column by simply dragging the border between fields. Easy, fast, flexible.
Material, Rounded and Standard Style Forms
ARForms is one of the very few form builder plugins that offers a true material style forms, as well as rounded and standard style forms not limited to create just wordpress contact forms. Your wordpress forms, your way!
Fully Responsive
Enjoy elegant, fully responsive forms straight out of the box, with clean and streamlined HTML.
Striking Color Schemes
Popups Built Right In
Great news! This advanced and complete form builder now has a built-in popup forms facility, so there’s no need to buy a specialised wordpress popup plugin. Your forms can fly in, stick to the bottom of the page, or popup on page load – all with ARForms.
Multi-Step Forms
This sophisticated WordPress form builder plugin gives you complete flexibility to create forms that suit your needs. With ARForms, you can create multi-step or survey style forms, with tabs/steps or a progress bar so that users know where they’re up to.
Survey Forms with Auto Save Form Data
ARforms has wonderful facility where you can create long survey forms without loosing data. It is common fact that many users do not fill up long survey forms completely, but even partially filled information is important for site owners. So now each field value can be saved in database automatically as soon as user insert value in input field
Repeatable Form Fields
One of the most dynamic feature, Repeatable Form Fields is now available in ARForms. You can now set any field or group of fields repeatable finite or infinite number of times.
Popup Forms from Navigation Menu
For an even smoother user experience, you can now set popup forms to open when users click on an item in your top navigation menu. so, no need additional plugins to open popup forms for wordpress from top navigation menu.
Custom Images for Radio & Checkbox
This long-awaited feature has been added to the latest release of ARForms. Now you can add your own images or icons to act as radio buttons or checkboxes.
Enhanced Conditional Logic
This powerful capability allows you to set conditions on form fields to show/hide, enable/disable, or prepopulate a set value, based on the input values of other fields. ARForms has this enhanced conditional logic built right in, so you don’t need any technical knowledge to build sophisticated forms.
Math Logic
With the latest version of ARForms you can easily perform calculations within a form, based on user input. You can calculate totals, averages and more, without any coding knowledge.
Form Submission Actions
ARForms offers 4 different types of form submission action.
Form Confirmation/Summary on Submit
Long awaited feature is here, now, user can get confirmation step upon form submission, so, if something is wrong then they can go back and modify. Or even in some cases submission summary needed to be shown
Email Marketing Ready
ARForms supports 13 of the most popular email marketing systems so it’s never been easier to build your own forms and keep in touch with your subscribers. You can integrate using Webform or API for even more advanced features. Along with the support of other email marketing software ARforms allows seamless integration with popular Mailchimp for wordpress.
Email Notifications
Automatically send email notification to admin, and to any email address provided in form itself by user, upon submission of the form. ARForms also provides shortcodes to pull values from fields within the form, so that your automated emails are dynamic, relevant and tailored
Multi-Language & RTL Support
The admin section is fully compatible with WPML so can be translated into any language. Your bundle includes 12 different pre-converted translations.
Powerful Analytics
A beautiful and effortless way to monitor all of your forms’ activity through vibrant, user-friendly graphs and charts, including a world map to show where all of your submissions have come from.
Full List of Features:
Real Time Editor
Create beautiful forms in just a few clicks, and check your changes on the front-end with an instant preview.
Any & Every Type of Forms
Create wide range of fully responsive forms for all your needs: WordPress contact form, an opt-in popup form, a workshop registration form, surveys, a job application form, and many more plain and complex types of forms.
50+ Form Templates
Includes 50+ ready-made form templates that can be fully customized.
30+ Elements
Choose from a wide selection of elements to build forms of all kinds.
Drag & Drop
Simply drag and drop your elements into your forms and arrange them in real time.
Built-in Color Schemes
Choose your style from 15 pre-made color schemes.
Google Fonts
Includes the huge library of Google Fonts so you can get the look you want, in any browser.
Font Awesome Icons
Enhance your forms with professional vector icons, fonts and logos.
Material Style Forms
Create forms in true material style, as well as rounded or standard styles.
Resizable Columns
Supports multiple columns, and you can re-size by dragging the column borders.
Multi-Step & Survey Style Forms
Create forms for all purposes, including multi-step and survey styles, with progress bar.
Custom Images
Now you can upload custom images to act as radio buttons or checkboxes within your forms.
Embed Objects
Embed third party objects, including videos, maps, and more.
Masking Options
Format phone number fields to ensure that users enter valid data.
Tooltip Facility
Give users a helping hand with tooltips on hover or click.
Quick Duplication
Use previous forms as templates.
Custom CSS
Option to add custom CSS, for even greater customization.
Advanced Conditional Logic
Your sophisticated forms adapt to your users’ input, capturing the relevant data and saving time at both ends.
Built with AJAX
ARForms uses seamless AJAX-based form submission.
AJAX Upload
Quick and easy AJAX-based multiple file upload.
Form Submission Actions
4 different actions upon submission, including Conditional Submission and Hide Form After Submission.
Edit Entries
ARForms allows you to edit form entries even after submission.
No Duplicate Entry
Automatically prevent duplicate entries.
Math Logic
Easily perform calculations on data, including totals and averages, with no coding knowledge.
Powerful Analytics
Monitor your forms and analyze data using stunning graphs and charts.
Import or export the data you need, or even entire forms, including all form settings.
Partial Form Data Retrieval
Automatically saves users’ progress, and populates prefilled data when users return to a form.
Lightning Fast Loading
Lightweight and streamlined, ARForms is fully optimized for speed.
Fully Responsive
Your forms look beautiful and perform perfectly on any screen.
Multiple Browser Compatibility
Supports all popular browsers, including IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and more.
Built-in Popup Options
No need for an extra popup plugin! Forms can fly in, stick to the page, or popup on page load.
Direct Navigation Menu Support
Popup forms directly from top menu items, without refreshing or loading a new page.
Powerful Anti-Spam
Supports reCAPTCHA and custom Captcha.
Confirm Password & Strength Indicator
Verify passwords and display password strength.
Email Notifications
Automatically send dynamic emails to admin and relevant email addresses, upon submission, using shortcodes to pull values.
Email Marketing Ready
Supports popular email marketing systems, such as MailChimp and iContact, and you can integrate using Webform or API. no need to buy separate wordpress mailchimp plugin
SMTP Support
Option to send email through an SMTP server.
Multi-Language & RTL Support
Fully compatible with WPML and includes 12 pre-converted translations.
Supports a huge range of free and paid add-ons, including ActiveCampaign, PayPal and Authorize.Net.
“WooDelivery | Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce” is a WooCommerce plugin that gives you the facility of selecting both PickUp and Delivery or Only Delivery or Only Pickup with date and time at order checkout page. It does not matter what you want to deliver, may it be food, grocery, clothing items, installation required products or special delivery cases, our plugin will help you. It also has options for checking delivery availability based on the customer’s address or zip code.
This plugin will allow you to add unlimited delivery fees and free shipping based on kilometers or zip codes. Also, have a tip option. The Store admin can control the delivery/pickup Dates, Time Slots, Business Hours, Day Break time, Holidays, Radius Shipping, Zipcode Base Shipping, Delivery Fees, Free Shipping, Pickup, tip, delivery distance and fees, etc. The customers can give special instructions about his/her order via the plugin.
It is fairly easy to set up the plugin that you don’t have to take any hassle. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about styling because the plugin compatible with your theme styling. Anyone can easily update/edit this plugin by following our Well Sorted Online Documentation.
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Main Features of WooDelivery:
Ajax mini cart and cart modal
Minimum order amount set option
Set order amount for free shipping
Deliver/Pickup Time Format 24h or AM/PM
Delivery Schedule Type Options
Delivery time slot settings options
Order limit on time slot
Break Time system during a day
Radius Shipping
ZipCode Base Shipping
Custom Delivery Fees
Free Shipping
Tip System
Delivery Location Availability Checker by address using Google API
Delivery Location Availability Checker by ZIP Code
Multiple zip code adding options for zip code based delivery & pickup
Multiple delivery fees adding option
Kilometer based delivery fees adding option
Zip code wise delivery fees adding option
Delivery Info On Admin Email
Easy Settings options
Translation ready
Fully Responsive
Error-free code
Free Updates
Well Shorted Online Documentation
WPBakery WordPress Page Builder Plugin with Frontend and Backend Editor
Introducing WPBakery Page Builder – your best solution for crafting exceptional WordPress websites with ease. Designed for both professionals and individuals, WPBakery offers a seamless no-code and low-code experience. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of customizable elements, you can effortlessly turn your creative ideas into reality. Experience the power of a backend and frontend editor in one tool, and redefine your website design journey today!
Yes, WPBakery Page Builder comes bundled with 2 types of editors allowing you to choose your preferred view. Create your WordPress website with a backend schematic editor or move your page-building process to frontend and see your results live.
Not only that, WPBakery Page Builder gives you full control over responsiveness. Create responsive websites automatically or adjust preferences you need to ensure your WordPress website looks perfect on mobile or tablet. WPBakery Page Builder has everything it takes to create a responsive website. Save your money on purchasing different devices with WPBakery Page Builder Responsive Preview available out of the box.
WPBakery also comes with a built-in AI assistant that will generate text, improve text that’s already on the page, translate it to nearly any language, and generate custom code when you need just that little extra to make your site unique.
To make sure that your websites attract as much traffic as possible, WPBakery SEO is available to all WPBakery users. This feature allows you to enhance visibility and get better search results without leaving the editor.
It is really easy to start building your WordPress website with WPBakery Page Builder:
Add rows and columns to your page
Choose from over 50+ predefined content elements or start from professionally designed template
Drag elements around your page
Simply adjust element settings via intuitive controls and options
Publish your page
And that’s not all! With the page builder, you don’t have to be a developer to create a page. With WPBakery Page Builder, you don’t have to be a designer either.
Extensions: 200+ unique addons with hundreds of content elements available exclusively to WPBakery Page Builder
Template Library: Downloadable layout templates with pro templates updated regularly. Build your layouts literally in seconds
WPBakery AI: Ask your AI assistant to generate a copy for the page or custom code that will be automatically applied
WPBakery SEO: Boost your website’s visibility with a built-in SEO toolkit
If you’re a web developer, there are many reasons to love WPBakery. l. We offer a comprehensive knowledge base describing our developer API so you can extend WPBakery Page Builder. For those who don’t wish to code, WPBakery Page Builder offers Shortcode Mapper, allowing you to add 3rd party shortcodes to your WPBakery Page Builder content elements. With WPBakery Page Builder you can work on new or existing websites as it will recognize your existing content and adapt to any WordPress website. Forget about page builders tailored for a specific theme to get you locked up – WPBakery Page Builder works with any WordPress theme.
WPBakery Page Builder is one of the best-selling drag-and-drop frontend and backend page builder plugins on the market – already powering 5,800,000+ websites. Redefine your website design journey today with WPBakery!
WPBakery Page Builder Features
Shortcode Mapper
No more shortcode copy/paste. Add any third-party shortcode to the list of content elements for re-use. Edit params, values, and descriptions.
An Intuitive Drag and Drop Interface
Lightweight, easy-to-use interface that you and your clients will love. Creating pages and posts is easier than ever. No programming knowledge is required!
Easily Extendable
Third-party developers, please join the party! Create your own plugins for WPBakery Page Builder for your themes, or for sale here on CodeCanyon.
WPBakery AI
Generate custom code and text, improve existing copy, and translate with a few clicks and the help of your AI assistant.
WPBakery SEO
A built-in SEO toolkit that analyzes your content, gives suggestions and allows optimizing your site’s SEO performance.
Frontend Editor
Enjoy a “What You See Is What You Get” page-building experience with our amazing frontend editor. See how your content will look on the frontend instantly, with no additional clicks or switches.
Backend Editor
Prefer to work on the backend? No problem! WPBakery Page Builder still supports native content management on the backend, with all the important functions and options at your fingertips.
Landing Page Builder
Choose between a theme layout and a completely blank page (without the theme header and footer) for creating stunning landing pages.
Object Oriented Code
WPBakery Page Builder uses the most advanced and most effective programming patterns, to get the best results for your site.
Multilingual Ready
.po and .mo files included, for easy translation (BG, DE, ES, IR, FR, IT, JP, NL, PL, BR, RU, TW, and Arabic contributed by users).
Copy and paste content inside a page, between pages, and even between WPBakery-powered sites.
Template System and Library
Copy or re-use existing pages, save pages or parts of pages as templates. Set default templates for your post types. Access Template Library for free downloadable layout templates crafted by web design professionals and updated regularly.
Responsive Design
Your content will look great on both desktop and mobile sites. Take full control over responsive design – define column size, offsets, and display options. Instantly check out how your content is displayed.
User Role Manager
Control user group role access to the features and options of WPBakery Page Builder, including drag & drop, templates, and elements – manage WordPress default and custom roles.
Custom Post Types Support
Works with any post type… Yes, even custom post types!
Lifetime Update – Free of Charge
We offer automatic updates free of charge. Stay up to date with WPBakery Page Builder and receive our latest releases and enhancements.
Professional Dedicated Support
Our high-quality, dedicated support team is always on hand to help you out.
Design Options
Control how elements look with new Design Options. Set borders, margins, paddings, border radius, and background with a few simple clicks. Use color panel and alpha to enhance your design. Create up-to-date design solutions with ease.
Multi-language Support
WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with qTranslate X, Polylang, and powerful WPML. Build multi-language websites with WPBakery Page Builder.
SEO Friendly
WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the most popular SEO plugins by Yoast. Make sure your page is getting the attention it deserves!
Woo Commerce Support
Running a WooCommerce-powered e-shop? No problem. WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Even better – all of the WooCommerce shortcodes are now available in the WPBakery Page Builder Element Menu, once you have both plugins installed.
Advanced Grid Builder
WPBakery Page Builder has 40+ predefined grid templates for displaying posts, pages, custom post types, and media, in a grid or masonry grid. Don’t like predefined templates? Create your own grid element using Grid Builder.
Full Width and Height Rows
Create full width and height rows with smart stretching options. Control stretching params – stretch just the background or background with content. Control element placement – in the middle or on top. Build sections in seconds.
Parallax Background for Rows and Columns
Add a parallax-style background to WPBakery Page Builder rows and columns. Combine Design Options, video, and parallax background to create even more advanced layouts.
Video Background
Insert YouTube videos into row backgrounds to create dynamic and visually appealing effects. Combine YouTube video background with WPBakery Page Builder parallax effect.
Image Filters
Transform your images by applying unique professional image filters to any image from your Media Library. Align your image style in every WPBakery Page Builder image-powered element – and even featured images – by choosing filters from 20+ available presets.
My Elements (Element Presets)
A simple WPBakery Page Builder template tool for content elements. Save the content element as My Element presets with your param settings and access new elements from the Add Element window.
Column Height, Gaps and Position
Control the height of your columns by applying the equal height option. Set gaps between columns or merge them together with one click. Control the position of columns and content within columns with vertical alignment.
Advanced Custom Fields Support
WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin allowing you to combine the power of both plugins to manage and display custom fields on your WordPress website.
Icon Sets and Social Icons
Add icons from the most popular icon libraries like ‘Font Awesome’ with one click only. Add social icons to your WordPress website with icon libraries and specify links.
Hide Content
Hide parts of content from your website visitors with one click Disable Row option. Manage your campaign of hide work in progress easily.
Easily Extendable
Third-party developers, please join the party! Create your own plugins for WPBakery Page Builder for your themes or for sale here on CodeCanyon.
Go back and forth with any action performed at WPBakery Page Builder. Save time and never lose your changes.
RTL Support
A page builder plugin that supports your RTL (right-to-left) page or section. With WPBakery Page Builder, you can create RTL pages without worries. Everything will be handled automatically.
Custom Types Ready
Create sites with WPBakery Page Builder and Toolset plugin based on custom post types with ease. No PHP skills are required!
Gutenberg Compatible
WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor. Mix your layouts from WPBakery with Gutenberg blocks hassle-free.
50+ Built In Content Blocks
Text Block Row Separator Text Separator Message BoxFacebook LikeGoogle+Pinterest TweetmemeFAQSingle ImageImage Gallery TabsTour SectionAccordionIcon Element Posts SliderWidgetised SidebarButtonCall to Action Video PlayerGoogle MapsRaw JSRaw HTML Flickr WidgetProgress BarPie ChartEmpty Space Custom HeadingPost GridPost Masonry GridMedia Grid Media Masonry GridPageable ContentHover BoxZigZag Separator
WPBakery Page Builder is smart: To save your time and bandwidth, it includes only the javascript files that are used on the page – no extra traffic and faster loading! -
Extend WPBakery Page Builder and add more power to it!
This plugin adds several premium elements in your WPBakery Page Builder on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.
This plugin is the addon for WPBakery Page Builder
Addon Elements –
Icons – You can use this element to integrate a simple icon (font & image, both kinds) in your page and use it as you want. Or you can utilize WPBakery Page Builder grids and display a list of logos of your clients, partners, sponsors, etc.
Info Box – Perhaps, the most popular trend right now, Info Boxes truly make your website stand out helping you highlight the important things you have on offer.
Info List – Traditional HTML lists are boring, aren’t they? This elements simply re-imagines the lists. You may take an opportunity and utilize it’s cool design to show some process or simply highlight your most popular / related products, services & features.
Flip Box - This element combines the power of “Info Box” & “Call to Action” block altogether. On the front, it would look like a normal Info Box but as visitor hovers on the block, it flips with a cool CSS3 effect and shows a Call to Action section, provoking him to take a call.
Counter - Want to show your milestones, achievements and any other numeric statistics with animated numbers? This element will help!
Interactive Banner - Many times, image banners come in handy as they are very convenient and obvious way to deliver your message precisely. This element will display those image blocks in a nicer & interactive way.
Modal Popup Box – This is one of the very useful element that can go on any website. Create modal popup boxes and embed anything you wish inside the popup box through easy WYSIWYG editor.
Timeline – Display a timeline in a Facebook style or simply showcase your features, process or highlights little creatively. We have taken special efforts with custom JavaScript & CSS codes to make it as perfect as possible.
Extended Google Maps – WPBakery Page Builder comes with Google Maps element by default. But our Extended Googles Maps element uses latest APIs and allows you to do more with it. Upload marker images, write custom HTML in map info box and control everything that goes with map.
Row Backgrounds -
Creative backgrounds do truly set the tone for your website. So we offer you easy tools that will help you utilize them quickly.
Features –
Fixed Image Background
- Keeps the image fixed at it’s position while the other content moves on scroll.
Vertical & Horizontal Parallax
- The background moves at different speed & direction from your content on scroll.
Hover Parallax
- The background moves creatively with cursor movement.
Video Background -
- Plays a video in the background. Supports hosted as well as YouTube videos.
Multilayer Hover Parallax -
- Design a real 3D parallax. Go ahead – impress your users
While we believe the above six elements will benefit your site immediately, these are not really all!
We’re already working on few more elements that we look forward including in this plugin as we complete them. We want to make this plugin as an “ultimate” source for you to get most of the essential WPBakery Page Builder addon elements in one package.
The long wait has finally come to an end…Introducing, WordPress Icon Fonts Manager!
This project was originally started with a slightly different objective of developing a functionality that will help people use the Icon Fonts in their WordPress site easily. But then, we realized – providing just the Icon Fonts functionality wasn’t enough to make it go. There was a need to make Icon Fonts even more intuitive for normal WordPress users and that’s when we decided to develop several WPBakery Page Builder element that will make usage of Icon Fonts even easier. So – “Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder” is technically an extension of two things; firstly of our Icon Font Manager and secondly, the obvious one – WPBakery Page Builder
Features of the Icon Fonts Manager -
Customize Your Own Icon Fonts –We understand you don’t use all those hundreds of prebuilt unnecessary icons that come with any of those popular libraries like Font Awesome, Entypo, etc; but you care more about only the few ones that relate to your business more.
That’s why, we’ve made our Icon Fonts Manager very compatible with the famous IcoMoon’s APIs where you can create your own customize font by shortlisting your favorite icons from the choice of 2500+ icons! If those 2500+ icons still fall short, IcoMoon will still cover you with their amazing feature that helps you convert your SVG designs in the Icon Fonts.
Real Time Icon Search - Okay, many of us would like big numbers & more choices of icons, wouldn’t we? Though this choice is really very fancy, it certainly comes with a pain as we can’t easily find the icon that we are looking for when we need it. And that’s why we have integrated a real time search feature which can help you sort through all the Icon Fonts you have in your library very smartly.
More features on the way! As said earlier – Icon Fonts Manager is our individual, long term project; and we look forward adding more features in it with time such as integration with WordPress’s Menu, TinyMCE editor, etc. When these features will be developed – they will be provided in this plugin as well.
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