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Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium v13.3
Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium v13.3 View File Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium Rank higher with your online store in Google and Bing, and on Pinterest Get more buyers to your website by making your products stand out in the results Sell more online by making your products easier to find on your website Are you or your client using both the Yoast SEO plugin and the WooCommerce plugin?Smart move!They’re a great combo if you’re serious about selling online (No wonder they’re both in the top 10 most downloaded WordPress plugins worldwide).But since they’re from different developers, they were not initially designed to work together.That’s why we created the Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin for you. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 07/02/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium v13.3
- Version v13.3
Yoast WooCommerce SEO for WordPress Plugin Premium Rank higher with your online store in Google and Bing, and on Pinterest Get more buyers to your website by making your products stand out in the results Sell more online by making your products easier to find on your website Are you or your client using both the Yoast SEO plugin and the WooCommerce plugin?Smart move!They’re a great combo if you’re serious about selling online (No wonder they’re both in the top 10 most downloaded WordPress plugins worldwide).But since they’re from different developers, they were not initially designed to work together.That’s why we created the Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin for you.Free -
Welcome Sasuga
Hello Sasuga, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome oh.shit
Hello oh.shit, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome bestmarket
Hello bestmarket, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome bestmarket
Hello bestmarket, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Groovepad 1.5.1 – Music & Beat Maker PRO APK (Unlimited Access)
- Version 1.5.1
Groovepad Pro APK is a perfect application if you want to create your own remix and feel like a DJ, the application has a huge collection of songs and beats that you can use to create your own mix. The free version have limited songs but the pro version has tons of songs, you can pay weekly or yearly it all depends on you. The application is very easy to use and straight forward, it has guides on how to create as well but it is user-friendly. You can use Live Loops to create the best soundtracks that fit with the other songs perfectly, you can also add amazing FX effects to the song to make it cooler. Once you are done creating, you can share the music with your friends and even upload it on different social media platforms. A must have an app for all the DJs and music lovers out there who want to create their own songs.Free -
Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.2.1
Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.2.1 View File This Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress is the most advanced Google Maps plugin ever created. We developed it using valuable feedback from thousands of customers. Features Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies & location data easily. Create multiple filters using backend. Display posts, pages or custom posts type on google maps. You can display multiple posts type on a single google maps. Assign location to your post easily using meta box or your own custom fields. You can use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign location to your post as well. Display posts information e.g title, content, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, custom fields or custom taxonomies in infowindow. You just need to use placeholders to display these data. Display posts listing below the map and show posts information in the listing. You can customize html easily to integrate your own design. Display posts or locations below map in grid or list format. Visitor can switch format at front-end. Add any number of information in location or marker details and display them in an info window easily. e.g fax, phone, email, website, etc. Import unlimited location data from CSV. You can import any number of fields in the location. Assign categories to your location using csv. All CSV delimiters supported. Assign multiple categories to a location and allow visitors to filter by categories. Choose to redirect to a location or display infowindow message on marker click for both posts or manually added locations. A complete listing module to filter, sort, print and advanced search box to filter posts or locations by zip, address, city, country, post tile or location title and categories. Listing module is ajax based for fastest search experience and usability. Search posts or locations nearby within certain radius. Customize radius settings in the backend. Filter locations/markers by category on the map. Ability filters to multiple categories at once. Sort listing by title, address or category in both ascending and descending order. Print filtered location listing. You can control print option via backend. Placeholders to modify location listing data without any programming. Enable or disable search form, category filter, print option, sorting options in the backend. Listing module is pagination supported. You can decide # of posts or locations per page using backend setting. Ask start location and end location from visitor to show route directions. Click on marker to automatically fill start location. Get driving, bicycling, walking or transit route information. Visitor can get route directions in both miles and kilometre. Display start location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Display end location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab. Get nearby places within certain radius using google places api. Display Circle around amenities found using google places api. Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations. Just activate and the plugin will handle the rest. You can apply marker clustering on both posts and locations. Marker cluster will be updated automatically on filtration. Choose marker cluster icons and mouseover icons to improve user experience. 10 marker cluster styles are available Choose marker cluster grid size and max zoom level. Create routes in the backend and display them on front-end. You can assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide routes on front-end using route filter form. You can display multiple routes on a google maps. Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to create a route. Make route draggable and optimize waypoints to suggest the best possible route. Assign waypoints to the route. Searchable location listings is added to assign waypoints to the route quickly. Admin can draw any number of circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and display them on google maps. Shapes are clickable. Display an infowindow on click on a shape. Redirect to a location on click on a shape. Delete individual shapes or modify property of the shape by selecting on click. Draw any number of shapes on the map and save all of them together. Use your own coordinates to draw shapes. Apply awesome Google Maps styles from snazzymaps.com with a simple copy and paste. You can create your own custom styles as well for roads, labels or geometry for your own google maps skin. Fetch locations from external data sources e.g custom tables or API and automatically assign to map using hooks. Ability to fetch latitude, longitude, city, country, state and zip code automatically when you type an address in the input field. Manage parent-child categories. Assign your own markers to categories or choose from +500 readymade markers. Ability to search within icons list to find suitable icons and assign to a category quickly. Using placeholders e.g {marker_title},{marker_address},{marker_message},{marker_latitude},{marker_longitude}, customize the body of the infowindow message. Display infowindow on marker click or mouseover. Open infowindow when page load without click or mouseover. Modify infowindow contents via hook using programming. Close infowindow on marker click. You can disable this feature in the backend. Apply Bounce Animation on marker click or mouse over. Apply Drop Animation on marker when they display on google maps. Change zoom level of the map on marker click for better visibility. Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map. Display large number of data on the map using fusions table. The best way to manage large sets of data. Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Traffic Layers. Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer. Display physical maps based on terrain information. Ability to display multiple layers together on the map. Set height, width, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable property and apply 45° imagery. Maps are fully responsive and adjust automatically according to device. (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map. Center the map based on visitor’s current location. Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location. Set property of the circle. Assign multiple locations to the map using searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you have hundreds of locations. Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Type Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and decide the position of the controls over the map. Hide markers on page load and display them after filtration only. Display street view of the location. Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location. Display overlays and customize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and border style. Easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings. Display GEOJSON data using URL easily. Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views. Display Google Maps in sidebars using widget. You can display any number of maps in the sidebar. Display categories, directions, routes, and nearby tabs together on a google maps. Display location counts with category name. and sort categories by number of location assigned. Keep backup of locations, routes, maps and categories. You can assign permissions to your users to manage your location, categories, routes and maps. Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on Google Maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source. Add multiple Google maps on a page. Each map will have own properties. A cross browser compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all other major browsers Multilingual Supported using .po files. Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/18/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.2.1
- Version v5.2.1
This Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress is the most advanced Google Maps plugin ever created. We developed it using valuable feedback from thousands of customers. Features Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies & location data easily. Create multiple filters using backend. Display posts, pages or custom posts type on google maps. You can display multiple posts type on a single google maps. Assign location to your post easily using meta box or your own custom fields. You can use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign location to your post as well. Display posts information e.g title, content, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, custom fields or custom taxonomies in infowindow. You just need to use placeholders to display these data. Display posts listing below the map and show posts information in the listing. You can customize html easily to integrate your own design. Display posts or locations below map in grid or list format. Visitor can switch format at front-end. Add any number of information in location or marker details and display them in an info window easily. e.g fax, phone, email, website, etc. Import unlimited location data from CSV. You can import any number of fields in the location. Assign categories to your location using csv. All CSV delimiters supported. Assign multiple categories to a location and allow visitors to filter by categories. Choose to redirect to a location or display infowindow message on marker click for both posts or manually added locations. A complete listing module to filter, sort, print and advanced search box to filter posts or locations by zip, address, city, country, post tile or location title and categories. Listing module is ajax based for fastest search experience and usability. Search posts or locations nearby within certain radius. Customize radius settings in the backend. Filter locations/markers by category on the map. Ability filters to multiple categories at once. Sort listing by title, address or category in both ascending and descending order. Print filtered location listing. You can control print option via backend. Placeholders to modify location listing data without any programming. Enable or disable search form, category filter, print option, sorting options in the backend. Listing module is pagination supported. You can decide # of posts or locations per page using backend setting. Ask start location and end location from visitor to show route directions. Click on marker to automatically fill start location. Get driving, bicycling, walking or transit route information. Visitor can get route directions in both miles and kilometre. Display start location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Display end location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations. Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab. Get nearby places within certain radius using google places api. Display Circle around amenities found using google places api. Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations. Just activate and the plugin will handle the rest. You can apply marker clustering on both posts and locations. Marker cluster will be updated automatically on filtration. Choose marker cluster icons and mouseover icons to improve user experience. 10 marker cluster styles are available Choose marker cluster grid size and max zoom level. Create routes in the backend and display them on front-end. You can assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide routes on front-end using route filter form. You can display multiple routes on a google maps. Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to create a route. Make route draggable and optimize waypoints to suggest the best possible route. Assign waypoints to the route. Searchable location listings is added to assign waypoints to the route quickly. Admin can draw any number of circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and display them on google maps. Shapes are clickable. Display an infowindow on click on a shape. Redirect to a location on click on a shape. Delete individual shapes or modify property of the shape by selecting on click. Draw any number of shapes on the map and save all of them together. Use your own coordinates to draw shapes. Apply awesome Google Maps styles from snazzymaps.com with a simple copy and paste. You can create your own custom styles as well for roads, labels or geometry for your own google maps skin. Fetch locations from external data sources e.g custom tables or API and automatically assign to map using hooks. Ability to fetch latitude, longitude, city, country, state and zip code automatically when you type an address in the input field. Manage parent-child categories. Assign your own markers to categories or choose from +500 readymade markers. Ability to search within icons list to find suitable icons and assign to a category quickly. Using placeholders e.g {marker_title},{marker_address},{marker_message},{marker_latitude},{marker_longitude}, customize the body of the infowindow message. Display infowindow on marker click or mouseover. Open infowindow when page load without click or mouseover. Modify infowindow contents via hook using programming. Close infowindow on marker click. You can disable this feature in the backend. Apply Bounce Animation on marker click or mouse over. Apply Drop Animation on marker when they display on google maps. Change zoom level of the map on marker click for better visibility. Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map. Display large number of data on the map using fusions table. The best way to manage large sets of data. Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Traffic Layers. Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer. Display physical maps based on terrain information. Ability to display multiple layers together on the map. Set height, width, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable property and apply 45° imagery. Maps are fully responsive and adjust automatically according to device. (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map. Center the map based on visitor’s current location. Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location. Set property of the circle. Assign multiple locations to the map using searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you have hundreds of locations. Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Type Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and decide the position of the controls over the map. Hide markers on page load and display them after filtration only. Display street view of the location. Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location. Display overlays and customize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and border style. Easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings. Display GEOJSON data using URL easily. Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views. Display Google Maps in sidebars using widget. You can display any number of maps in the sidebar. Display categories, directions, routes, and nearby tabs together on a google maps. Display location counts with category name. and sort categories by number of location assigned. Keep backup of locations, routes, maps and categories. You can assign permissions to your users to manage your location, categories, routes and maps. Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on Google Maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source. Add multiple Google maps on a page. Each map will have own properties. A cross browser compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all other major browsers Multilingual Supported using .po files. Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide.Free -
PSHotels Website v1.3 - Hotel Search Script
View File PSHotels Website v1.3 - Hotel Search Script PSHotels is a web-based interface with a single backend management system for a hotel search site. Used technology: CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, CSS, JS, Google Chart API. FAQ Q. What technologies are using? A. CodeIgniter 3 PHP Framework, MySQL Database, Javascript, CSS, Jquery, Bootstrap 4, Apache Q. Is it support for both PHP 5.6 above & 7 A. Yes. Q. What is server requirement to host? A. It should be fine the shared hosting with cPanel. Q. Can I get source code and able to modify? A. Yes, you can get all source for both frontend and backend and able to modify whatever you want. Q. It is included Backend & API as together? A. Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend. Q. Do I need to know programming knowledge to modify the app? A. Yes, especially CodeIgniter MVC Knowledge. Q. Can I use same backend for web and mobile apps? A. Yes, you can manage all data from single backend. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/18/2020 Category Scripts
PSHotels Website v1.3 - Hotel Search Script
- Version v1.3
PSHotels is a web-based interface with a single backend management system for a hotel search site. Used technology: CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, CSS, JS, Google Chart API. FAQ Q. What technologies are using? A. CodeIgniter 3 PHP Framework, MySQL Database, Javascript, CSS, Jquery, Bootstrap 4, Apache Q. Is it support for both PHP 5.6 above & 7 A. Yes. Q. What is server requirement to host? A. It should be fine the shared hosting with cPanel. Q. Can I get source code and able to modify? A. Yes, you can get all source for both frontend and backend and able to modify whatever you want. Q. It is included Backend & API as together? A. Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend. Q. Do I need to know programming knowledge to modify the app? A. Yes, especially CodeIgniter MVC Knowledge. Q. Can I use same backend for web and mobile apps? A. Yes, you can manage all data from single backend.Free -
FS Poster v3.5.6 - WordPress auto poster & scheduler Nulled
FS Poster v3.5.6 - WordPress auto poster & scheduler Nulled View File FS Poster gives you a great opportunity to auto-publish WordPress posts on the most popular social networks automatically. By making use of FS Poster you will also be able to schedule posts, re-publish previously created posts, and so on. What are the benefits of purchasing our plugin? Save your time You will be able to save your time by sharing your WordPress posts automatically Improves site SEO You will be able to increase links to your site from social networks. Keep your social media fresh You will be able to keep your social profiles fresh by posting frequently using Schedule module. Increase site visitors More shares will bring more visitors to your site. Supported social networks You will be able to publish your posts/pages/products to 13 social networks at the same time: Facebook ( accounts, pages, groups ) Twitter ( accounts ) Instagram ( accounts, story ) Linkedin ( accounts, companies ) Pinterest ( account boards ) Reddit ( accounts ) Tumblr ( accounts ) VK.com ( accounts, pages, groups, events ) OK.ru ( accounts, groups ) Telegram ( chats, channels, groups ) Medium ( profiles, publications ) Google My business ( locations ) WordPress based sites All features 13 social networks integrated You will be able to publish your posts to 13 social networks at the same time. Configure unlimited accounts, communities on each Social Media You will be able to add unlimited accounts, pages, groups, communities, etc. on each Social network. Auto-post New Blog Posts The plugin will share your WordPress posts automatically on active social profiles. Schedule posts You will be able to create Schedules which allow you to share your blog posts within the determined interval and selected filters. Manual Share Panel You will be able to share or schedule custom contents, images, links without creating any WordPress post. Insights You will be able to view post visits, compare social networks or social accounts by link clicks, etc. Logs You will be able to see all the logs about your publications. Customize Post Messages You will be able to customize your Post messages differently for each social media by using specific keywords. Support all Custom Post types You will be able to share your all custom post types. Example: WooCommerce products, etc. Filter publications by Post Categories You will be able to filter what categorized posts will be shared in what social networks. Posting interval You will be able to control your posting frequency with this option. Customize your Post URL You will be able to customize your Post URL by additional URL parameters. Bulk Schedule Action You will be able to choose many WordPress posts and schedule all of them with bulk action. Calendar view You will be able to see all Scheduled posts in the Calendar view. Therefore, you can see on what date you scheduled what publications. Track link clicks You will be able to track Post link clicks as well as weekly or monthly clicks and compare your social networks. Hashtags You will be able to use WordPress categories, tags as social hashtags. URL shortener services You will be able to shorten your Post URLs with TinyURL or Bitly services. WordPress multi-site You will be able to use the plugin in WordPress multi-site platforms as well. Proxy support You will be able to use different proxies for each social account. Supports Emoji You will be able to use emojis on your Custom Post Messages. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/18/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
FS Poster v3.5.6 - WordPress auto poster & scheduler Nulled
- Version v3.5.6
FS Poster gives you a great opportunity to auto-publish WordPress posts on the most popular social networks automatically. By making use of FS Poster you will also be able to schedule posts, re-publish previously created posts, and so on. What are the benefits of purchasing our plugin? Save your time You will be able to save your time by sharing your WordPress posts automatically Improves site SEO You will be able to increase links to your site from social networks. Keep your social media fresh You will be able to keep your social profiles fresh by posting frequently using Schedule module. Increase site visitors More shares will bring more visitors to your site. Supported social networks You will be able to publish your posts/pages/products to 13 social networks at the same time: Facebook ( accounts, pages, groups ) Twitter ( accounts ) Instagram ( accounts, story ) Linkedin ( accounts, companies ) Pinterest ( account boards ) Reddit ( accounts ) Tumblr ( accounts ) VK.com ( accounts, pages, groups, events ) OK.ru ( accounts, groups ) Telegram ( chats, channels, groups ) Medium ( profiles, publications ) Google My business ( locations ) WordPress based sites All features 13 social networks integrated You will be able to publish your posts to 13 social networks at the same time. Configure unlimited accounts, communities on each Social Media You will be able to add unlimited accounts, pages, groups, communities, etc. on each Social network. Auto-post New Blog Posts The plugin will share your WordPress posts automatically on active social profiles. Schedule posts You will be able to create Schedules which allow you to share your blog posts within the determined interval and selected filters. Manual Share Panel You will be able to share or schedule custom contents, images, links without creating any WordPress post. Insights You will be able to view post visits, compare social networks or social accounts by link clicks, etc. Logs You will be able to see all the logs about your publications. Customize Post Messages You will be able to customize your Post messages differently for each social media by using specific keywords. Support all Custom Post types You will be able to share your all custom post types. Example: WooCommerce products, etc. Filter publications by Post Categories You will be able to filter what categorized posts will be shared in what social networks. Posting interval You will be able to control your posting frequency with this option. Customize your Post URL You will be able to customize your Post URL by additional URL parameters. Bulk Schedule Action You will be able to choose many WordPress posts and schedule all of them with bulk action. Calendar view You will be able to see all Scheduled posts in the Calendar view. Therefore, you can see on what date you scheduled what publications. Track link clicks You will be able to track Post link clicks as well as weekly or monthly clicks and compare your social networks. Hashtags You will be able to use WordPress categories, tags as social hashtags. URL shortener services You will be able to shorten your Post URLs with TinyURL or Bitly services. WordPress multi-site You will be able to use the plugin in WordPress multi-site platforms as well. Proxy support You will be able to use different proxies for each social account. Supports Emoji You will be able to use emojis on your Custom Post Messages.Free -
Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin (AAWP) v3.10.1
Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin (AAWP) v3.10.1 View File Features No Theme Dependancy Due to our flexible shortcodes and templates, the plugin can be used with any theme out there. Automated Data Updates Product information (e.g. pricing) will be updated via Amazon's Product Advertising API automatically. Amazon Partner Networks USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico and India. Tracking ID The plugin automatically creates affiliate links for you, including your personal tracking id. Responsive and Mobile Friendly Developed to be used on desktop pcs, as well as on mobile devices like tables and smartphones. Caching Product information will be stored locally in order to reduce the number of API requests. Prepared Templates The plugin comes along with a variety of well crafted templates: Horizontal or vertical boxes, lists and tables. Different Styles / Designs Choose between different styles or customize the plugin's output via CSS. Geotargeting Don't miss a referral anymore and forward your foreign visitors to their local Amazon store. Comparison Tables Compare multiple products with each other by creating a comparison table with our handy table builder. Text Links Placing customizable text links inside your running text by making use of our shortcodes. Product Boxes Promote specific products with visually appealing and conversion optimized product boxes. Bestseller (Lists) Create automated bestseller lists and set the number of products individually: e.g. Top 3, Top 10 etc. New Releases (Lists) Attract your visitor’s attention towards the newest products within a specific product group. Data Fields Show individual product information (such as price or buy button) anywhere in your posts / pages. Widgets Make use of our prepared widgets in order to show products inside your sidebar. HTTPS/SSL Implemented support for delivering data via a HTTPS/SSL secured connection. Google Accelerated Mobile Pages Implemented support for Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages. Click Tracking Implemented support for “Event Tracking” when using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager or Piwik. Custom Templates With our template engine you can customize existing templates as well as creating completely new ones. Amazon Prime & Extra Commissions Flagging Amazon Prime articles and increasing your earned commissions when referring new prime memberships. Sorting and Filtering With AAWP you can sort and filter generated lists by product title, price and more. Well Structured Admin Area Inside your admin area, you define the most important settings and adjust the output of the products. Translations The plugin is translated into the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian and French. Developer Friendly Supporting developers by supplying special functions, PHP templating and WordPress hooks. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/17/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin (AAWP) v3.10.1
- Version v3.10.1
Features No Theme Dependancy Due to our flexible shortcodes and templates, the plugin can be used with any theme out there. Automated Data Updates Product information (e.g. pricing) will be updated via Amazon's Product Advertising API automatically. Amazon Partner Networks USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico and India. Tracking ID The plugin automatically creates affiliate links for you, including your personal tracking id. Responsive and Mobile Friendly Developed to be used on desktop pcs, as well as on mobile devices like tables and smartphones. Caching Product information will be stored locally in order to reduce the number of API requests. Prepared Templates The plugin comes along with a variety of well crafted templates: Horizontal or vertical boxes, lists and tables. Different Styles / Designs Choose between different styles or customize the plugin's output via CSS. Geotargeting Don't miss a referral anymore and forward your foreign visitors to their local Amazon store. Comparison Tables Compare multiple products with each other by creating a comparison table with our handy table builder. Text Links Placing customizable text links inside your running text by making use of our shortcodes. Product Boxes Promote specific products with visually appealing and conversion optimized product boxes. Bestseller (Lists) Create automated bestseller lists and set the number of products individually: e.g. Top 3, Top 10 etc. New Releases (Lists) Attract your visitor’s attention towards the newest products within a specific product group. Data Fields Show individual product information (such as price or buy button) anywhere in your posts / pages. Widgets Make use of our prepared widgets in order to show products inside your sidebar. HTTPS/SSL Implemented support for delivering data via a HTTPS/SSL secured connection. Google Accelerated Mobile Pages Implemented support for Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages. Click Tracking Implemented support for “Event Tracking” when using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager or Piwik. Custom Templates With our template engine you can customize existing templates as well as creating completely new ones. Amazon Prime & Extra Commissions Flagging Amazon Prime articles and increasing your earned commissions when referring new prime memberships. Sorting and Filtering With AAWP you can sort and filter generated lists by product title, price and more. Well Structured Admin Area Inside your admin area, you define the most important settings and adjust the output of the products. Translations The plugin is translated into the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian and French. Developer Friendly Supporting developers by supplying special functions, PHP templating and WordPress hooks.Free -
AMPforWP Extensions 1.0.31 + various
AMPforWP Extensions 1.0.31 + various View File This is the newest collection of AMPforWP Extensions from Extensions – AMP for WordPressWe Build AMP like nobody else. We breath and live AMP technology and no body can beat us in this game. Currently building #1 AMP Plugin for WordPress.Complete AMP ExperienceLoad instantly on mobile devices and designed for higher engagement with Google AMP Homepage Support Posts, Pages & Custom Post Types Search, Archives & More Built-in Auto AMP Page Validator Monetize with AdvertisementNative AMP Ads slots placed all over the design to help you insert the Ads on the most visible spot. 6 Pre-Defined Ad slots Smart Responsive Google AdSense Optimize Viewability of the AD Sponsorship Label In-Content ADs after X Paragraph & Auto Ads PRO Supports All Ad Companies PRO SEO OptimizedSearch Engine Optimization Was Kept in mind at the development stage Built-in JSON-LD Support Proper usage of Heading tags Yoast SEO Integration All in one SEO Intergration Powerful Settings PanelYou can Literally have control over each and every small area of the AMP site. Color Schemes 300+ Options Easy to Use Designed for User Experience AMP for WP Core Accelerated Mobile Pages v1.0.31 Extension Bundle AMP ACF v2.8.1 AMP BBPress 1.4.1 AMP Cache v2.2.3 AMP Caldera Forms v1.2.3 AMP Classipress v0.7 AMP Comments v2.7.3 AMP Contact Form 7 v1.2.2 AMP CTA v2.3.4 AMP Custom Post Type v1.6 AMP Easy Table Of Contents v1.0.1 AMP EDD v1.3.1 AMP Email v1.0 AMP Facebook Chat v1.2 AMP Floating Button v1.0 AMP Gravity Forms v2.9.13 AMP Incontent Ads 1.19.1 (UPDATED) AMP Layouts v1.9.16 (UPDATED) AMP Liveblog v1.0.1 AMP Ninja Forms v1.2.1 AMP Opt-in Forms v1.9.9 (UPDATED) AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility v1.9.21 (UPDATED) AMP Pinterest v1.1 AMP Polylang v1.2.1.1 AMP Pop-up v1.5.1 AMP Purge CDN Cache v2.0.2 AMP Rating v2.7.4 AMP Shortcodes Ultimate v1.5.4 AMP Stories v1.4 AMP Table Of Content Plus v1. 6 AMP Teaser v1.5.2 AMP The Events Calendar v1.4.6 (UPDATED) AMP WooCommerce Pro v3.3.4 AMP WPFORMS v1.3 AMP WPML v1.7.2 Newspaper AMP Theme v2.0.8 Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/17/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
AMPforWP Extensions 1.0.31 + various
- Version 1.0.31
This is the newest collection of AMPforWP Extensions from Extensions – AMP for WordPressWe Build AMP like nobody else. We breath and live AMP technology and no body can beat us in this game. Currently building #1 AMP Plugin for WordPress.Complete AMP ExperienceLoad instantly on mobile devices and designed for higher engagement with Google AMP Homepage Support Posts, Pages & Custom Post Types Search, Archives & More Built-in Auto AMP Page Validator Monetize with AdvertisementNative AMP Ads slots placed all over the design to help you insert the Ads on the most visible spot. 6 Pre-Defined Ad slots Smart Responsive Google AdSense Optimize Viewability of the AD Sponsorship Label In-Content ADs after X Paragraph & Auto Ads PRO Supports All Ad Companies PRO SEO OptimizedSearch Engine Optimization Was Kept in mind at the development stage Built-in JSON-LD Support Proper usage of Heading tags Yoast SEO Integration All in one SEO Intergration Powerful Settings PanelYou can Literally have control over each and every small area of the AMP site. Color Schemes 300+ Options Easy to Use Designed for User Experience AMP for WP Core Accelerated Mobile Pages v1.0.31 Extension Bundle AMP ACF v2.8.1 AMP BBPress 1.4.1 AMP Cache v2.2.3 AMP Caldera Forms v1.2.3 AMP Classipress v0.7 AMP Comments v2.7.3 AMP Contact Form 7 v1.2.2 AMP CTA v2.3.4 AMP Custom Post Type v1.6 AMP Easy Table Of Contents v1.0.1 AMP EDD v1.3.1 AMP Email v1.0 AMP Facebook Chat v1.2 AMP Floating Button v1.0 AMP Gravity Forms v2.9.13 AMP Incontent Ads 1.19.1 (UPDATED) AMP Layouts v1.9.16 (UPDATED) AMP Liveblog v1.0.1 AMP Ninja Forms v1.2.1 AMP Opt-in Forms v1.9.9 (UPDATED) AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility v1.9.21 (UPDATED) AMP Pinterest v1.1 AMP Polylang v1.2.1.1 AMP Pop-up v1.5.1 AMP Purge CDN Cache v2.0.2 AMP Rating v2.7.4 AMP Shortcodes Ultimate v1.5.4 AMP Stories v1.4 AMP Table Of Content Plus v1. 6 AMP Teaser v1.5.2 AMP The Events Calendar v1.4.6 (UPDATED) AMP WooCommerce Pro v3.3.4 AMP WPFORMS v1.3 AMP WPML v1.7.2 Newspaper AMP Theme v2.0.8Free -
Elementor Pro v3.0.8 + Free v3.0.15 - WordPress Page Builder Nulled
Elementor Pro v3.0.8 + Free v3.0.15 - WordPress Page Builder Nulled View File The #1 WordPress Page Builder EXTRACT/OVERWRITE BOTH ELEMENTOR & ELEMENTOR PRO FOLDERS AUTO UPDATING ELEMENTOR FREE WILL BREAK TEMPLATE IMPORTING YOU MUST MANUALLY UPLOAD NEW NULLED VERSIONS EACH TIME Live Page Builder For WordPressReach a whole new level of design with Elementor, the most advanced drag & drop live page builder for WordPress.Any Theme. Any Page.Use Elementor with your favorite or customized theme. Change themes and still keep all your designs. Landing pages, homepages, posts, portfolios, products. Elementor can be used to design any page or custom post type. Submitter ClxCode Submitted 03/17/2020 Category Plugins / Addons
Elementor Pro v3.0.8 + Free v3.0.15 - WordPress Page Builder Nulled
- Version v3.0.8 + Free v3.0.15
The #1 WordPress Page Builder EXTRACT/OVERWRITE BOTH ELEMENTOR & ELEMENTOR PRO FOLDERS AUTO UPDATING ELEMENTOR FREE WILL BREAK TEMPLATE IMPORTING YOU MUST MANUALLY UPLOAD NEW NULLED VERSIONS EACH TIME Live Page Builder For WordPressReach a whole new level of design with Elementor, the most advanced drag & drop live page builder for WordPress.Any Theme. Any Page.Use Elementor with your favorite or customized theme. Change themes and still keep all your designs. Landing pages, homepages, posts, portfolios, products. Elementor can be used to design any page or custom post type.Free -
FontAwesome Forum Icons
FontAwesome Forum Icons So this is to get the forum icons like we currently have. You need at least some css & html knowledge and be able to use google/firefox's developer tools. Getting your Forum IDs For this to work at all you need to know the forum ID's you want to change. You can find these by right clicking them and checking the data-forumid attribute: You can also see the forum ID if you edit the forum in the admin cp, at the end of the url: Adding some template code Go to the theme and open up the following template: forums > front > index > forumRow At the end of every instance of a span with the class ipsItemStatus: <span class='ipsItemStatus You will need to add this little bit of code before the closing ">". data-forumID="{$forum->_id}" On the default themes that's line 12, 16, 20 and 28. It will look something like this: Adding the CSS This is where you'll need your forum ID numbers. This is also how i implemented them into the WebFlake CSS. Open your custom.css and add the following code: /* ========================================================================== FORUM ICONS ========================================================================== */ /*== [Category Name] ==*/ span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='1'] > i:before{ content: "\f015" } span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='2'] > i:before{ content: "\f059" } span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='3'] > i:before{ content: "\f188" } span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='4'] > i:before{ content: "\f0f4" } span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='5'] > i:before{ content: "\f135" } span.ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large[data-forumid='6'] > i:before{ content: "\f007" } Remember the forum IDs from earlier? You'll need to change the numbers here with your own forum IDs. You can copy/paste these lines for every forum you have, the reason i add the category names as comments is because in the future if stuff changes i won't lose track of which category is which. Change the "\f015" part with whatever FontAwesome icon you want. Go to http://fontawesome.io/icons/ and click the icon you want for your forum, for example "home". Copy the "unicode" part and replace it in your css. Keep the "\" backslash in there. If you have forum icons set as images currently, you will need to remove them. And that's it, you will now have customizable forum icons for your forums.
Welcome Silas Marques
Hello Silas Marques, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome Faisal ShaZz
Hello Faisal ShaZz, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome Faisal ShaZz
Hello Faisal ShaZz, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome jarod
Hello jarod, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member
Welcome gsrwallet
Hello gsrwallet, Welcome to ClxCode. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. ClxCode. View Member